Crossroads at David Lawrence Center inspires hope, changes lives through improved addiction services

By Mary Ann Guerra, RN – Program Director of Crossroads at David Lawrence Center

David Lawrence Center
The Crossroads Detox and Residential buildings recently underwent a multimillion renovation and expansion to better meet the needs of our community.

One in nine Collier County residents experience some form of substance abuse. Unfortunately, the impact of this crippling disease is far reaching and affects family, friends, employers, healthcare professionals and society as a whole. In 2009 alone there were approximately 2.1 million emergency room visits related to drug abuse, including the nonmedical use of pharmaceuticals, illicit drug use, and alcohol use in combination with other drugs. The consequences of drug abuse and addiction are vast and varied and include medical, economic and social costs. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the abuse of alcohol, tobacco and illicit drugs costs our nation over $600 billion annually in crime, lost productivity and healthcare. Without treatment or engagement in appropriate recovery services and activities, addiction is progressive and can result in disability or premature death.

The good news is that research strongly supports the fact that treatment for substance use disorders helps many individuals change their attitudes, beliefs and behaviors towards drug use to achieve recovery, avoid relapse and successfully maintain a life free from substance abuse and the associated consequences.  Essentially, treatment works, is readily available, and is life-saving and life-changing.

Since 1968, David Lawrence Center has been committed to ensuring the health, wellbeing and safety of our community.  Members of the  community are typically aware of many of the Center’s life-saving treatment services and solutions, including walk- in Assessment Services, 24/7 Crisis Intervention and Crisis Support services,  Individual and Group Therapy,  Baker Act services, Drug and  Mental Health Court, Case Management, Psychiatric Medication Evaluation and Management, and many more.

Many individuals, however, may not be aware of the recent enhancements to the characteristics and capabilities of our Crossroads Substance Abuse Continuum programs, designed to ensure there is a powerful and accessible resource available for people experiencing acute difficulty with substance abuse.

It is important to be able to respond effectively to individuals at any stage of addiction, from acute intoxication to early sobriety and aftercare/recovery management. Crossroads at the David Lawrence Center integrates treatment along a continuum of care from Detox to Aftercare in a single system. Crossroads Detox uses state-of-the-art, individualized withdrawal management protocols which are both comfortable and have a remarkable degree of safety and efficacy.  Crossroads Detox also offers enhanced early recovery programming and individualized medication management of withdrawal symptoms. In addition to traditional residential programming and evidence-based cognitive-behavioral therapy, Crossroads Residential now offers innovate, adjunctive therapies such as art therapy, equine-facilitated therapy, yoga for sobriety, music therapy, pet therapy, individualized wellness and health education as well as structured fitness and recreation.

There is substantial scientific evidence supporting the fact that Medication-Assisted Treatment significantly improves success rates in the first six months of recovery.  Crossroads now utilizes a board-certified addictionologist/psychiatrist who can provide this highly specialized service. Because as many as 60% of substance abusers also have a mental health diagnosis, our physicians also assess for co-occurring psychiatric disorders and can initiate mental health services in the early stages of treatment.  This combination of expanded residential services, Medication-Assisted Treatment, and the ability to address co-occurring psychiatric disorders allows Crossroads at the David Lawrence Center to better meet the needs of a diverse range of individuals in a way that is virtually unmatched in Southwest Florida.

• 40% Have a Dual Diagnosis  (Both Mental Health and Substance Abuse)
• 1,112 People Served Annually

Top Three Addictions
• Opioid Dependence
• Alcohol Dependence
• Cannabis Dependence
Average Age = 36
Last year treated individuals between 18-77 years of age
Detox Beds = 15
Average Length of Stay = 4.55 Days
Residential Beds = 18
Average Length of Stay = 22.2 Days

As part of our ongoing efforts to meet the growing need for exceptional, desirable,  accessible and affordable substance abuse treatment services, Crossroads has responded by offering new innovative treatment plans which will reach a greater number of people in need.  Some Crossroads clients may need to start with Detox while others with enough initial stability may be able to enter at the outpatient level. As with Detox and Residential, Crossroads Outpatient is also individualized and can range from one to five days a week, including Intensive Outpatient Services, meeting three days per week, in addition to our new, six hour per day Partial Hospitalization Services, which allows individuals to receive an intensity of services equal to Residential/Rehabilitation model, five days per week, while being able to return to the comforts of their home environment, surrounded by a network of support.

Most treatment plans include Residential treatment and Aftercare support, but additional intensive or extended treatment plan options that include various levels of outpatient support for ongoing recovery maintenance are available. These plans range from two weeks to nine months. By incorporating varying levels of treatment with customized lengths of stay, we meet the unique needs of each individual while ensuring the wellbeing and safety of our community.

The enhancements to Crossroads ensure that the highest quality, cutting-edge treatment is provided in a comfortable and welcoming environment at a cost few can match.

For more information about Crossroads and how individuals can benefit from the new flexible treatment programs, contact a Crossroads Admission Specialist at 239-354-1428 or visit

Mary Ann Guerra, RN, is the Director of Inpatient, Nursing and Residential Services at the David Lawrence Center. She is responsible for the Adult and Children’s Crisis Stabilization Units, Nursing Services and the entire Crossroads Adult Substance Abuse Continuum which includes Detox, Residential, Partial Hospitalization, Intensive Outpatient and Aftercare Services.  She has over 25 years of experience working with individuals with mental health diagnoses and/or substance use disorders. She earned her undergraduate degree in psychiatric mental health nursing, with a minor in psychology from the University of Miami. She is certified in psychiatric mental health nursing from the American Nurses Association and is a certified Crisis Intervention specialist and trainer.