The CoreFit Wellness studio has a great combination of treatments to help individuals lose stubborn belly fat with Cryotherapy and targeted muscle toning.

The treatment consists of Cryo-Slimming, which is a fat reduction treatment from our Cryo-T-Shock machine. Cryo-Slimming safely and effectively uses thermal shock to naturally destroy fat cells without any damage to the skin. The Cryo-T-Shock breaks down fat cells by starting the treatment with heat, then a prolonged period of cold, and then heat again. This process lowers targeted fat cells’ temperature to negative 4 to negative 7 degrees Celsius; this triggers a natural, controlled cell death. Then the body naturally flushes the dead fat cells through your bloodstream and then through your lymphatic system in a few weeks. It is similar to Cool Sculpting, though not as painful and more effective, and also less costly. Multiple treatments will be needed, typically five per area, and treatments are spaced out approximately two weeks apart.


Combining Cryotherapy with Muscle Strengthening and Toning Workouts
These treatments are extremely effective to see results alone; however, combined with working with a personal trainer to increase muscle density is the best combination. As we get older, we lose muscle density, which slows our BMR- Basal Metabolic Rate, which is how we burn calories without exercise. Even with exercise, without strengthening our muscles, we simply will not burn many calories. If you’re like most Florida residents, you play pickleball, tennis, and golf; while effective on other levels, these activities do not build as much muscle as we need! We are not saying you must endure heavy weight training, but instead, simply moving and utilizing resistance with balls, bands, and dumbbells can help to build muscle on the upper and lower body as well as your core. We have some outstanding personal trainers that are highly educated to help you on this journey. We also offer Pilates Reformer, one-on-one sessions, which are an excellent way to build bone density and strengthen your core and improve flexibility.

The Cryo-Slimming sessions can be done on their own and they do not have to include anything with the muscle strengthening and are still very effective, however by building the strength you will reduce your risk of osteoporosis and have a much better chance of keeping it off. We follow all guidelines for COVID including mask wearing, gloves, sanitizing all equipment, and keeping the recommended distance between patients. We have the studio sprayed by Enviro-Master that kills all bacteria and viruses including COVID!

Corfit Wellnness
24880 Burnt Pine Drive, Suite 6
Bonita Springs, FL 34134