Cleaning Up After the Holidays!

By Evie Breedlove-Mangapora, ARNP & Deborah J. Post, ARNP

Each New Year brings personal commitments to New Year Resolutions.   Do these resolutions sound familiar?

I am going to ……….
• reduce my belly fat banish my brain fog
• clear my skin stop my bloating  and wake up refreshed!

After all, if we are not working to improve ourselves, do we just remain the same?  NO!  We are slowly aging in response to the laws of time, genetics and our environment.  How can we start 2017 off slowing the  reality of aging  We can start by educating ourselves, making better choices, and forming better health habits . . . one day at a time.   It’s time to develop new habits and make them permanent.  You should not focus on what you are giving up (such as that extra cup of coffee, cookie or can of soda)  rather focus on the fact that you are gaining your freedom!  It’s a great time to clear the clutter from your body.  It’s time to feel better.  Let’s “detox.”

“Detox” . . . has become a buzzword as of late.  What does it mean?
• A natural process done 24/7 whereby toxins are converted into less harmful substances and eliminated from your body.  The liver is our body’s main detoxification center and filtering organ.  Kidneys, gallbladder, bowels, lungs, skin, blood and lymphatic system all help out too.
• A process in which the body attempts to achieve or maintain internal balance after positive changes in diet or behavior.
• An approach to relieve stress on the liver and other organs so that they can perform more efficiently, which helps the body to heal itself.

There exists a lot of myths and misleading information about the idea of “detoxing” the body.

Why might we need to “detox”?
Today, toxic-ity is a HUGE concern for all of us.  We unknowingly ingest chemicals and hormones, use more medications, eat more gluten and sugary processed foods and damage the body through the use of daily stimulants and sedatives.  Our liver and the other organs involved with “cleaning us up” have difficulty keeping up with such a high toxic load.

This increased toxicity causes silent inflammation inside our body, which leads to heart disease, cancer, diabetes and other chronic diseases.  Additionally, a sluggish, toxic body leaves our energy depleted because our body is not functioning optimally.  This causes symptoms like headaches, sinus, respiratory ailments, allergies, and achy joints and many other problems.

Supporting detoxification helps:
• Heal the gut so it can eliminate waste and absorb the proper nutrients that support the body’s natural detoxifying organs.
• Eliminate and reduce harmful substances and toxic wastes.

The role of the Liver, GI tract and
Kidneys in Detoxification:  
Liver: Similar to an oil filter, the liver detoxifies and cleanses the blood as it circulates.  If the liver is not kept clean, it begins to break down and becomes unable to properly function (filter) allowing toxins to accumulate. (just think what a gunked up oil filter looks like).

GI Tract: Works with the liver by providing a direct exit for unwanted waste.  Today’s American diet of processed foods has resulted in a improper digestion, improper absorption of nutrients and improper elimination of waste products.  Americans suffer from acid reflux and take numerous acid-reducing medications, which suppress the very acid needed to digest food properly.  It’s a vicious cycle.  Improper digestion can lead to constipation, irritable bowel, and ulcers.

Kidneys: Filter out toxins and waste from your bloodstream and eliminate them through urination.

Benefits of Detoxification Program:
• Restore more normal organ functions
• Reduce inflammation, that speeds up the aging process
• Strengthen your immune system
• Eliminate old, unhealthy, detrimental habits and substitute new, restorative, health-building habits so you can reclaim your more optimal wellness.

The detox process should be safe, simple, comfortable and rewarding but not all of detoxification protocols currently being used are effective, safe or based on evidence.

A good Detoxification Program is a systematic and safe process.

How We Can Help:
We will help by walking you through a step-by-step, week-by-week program that will clean up your body, your personal care products, and your home.

We are offering a 4 week structured program including instructional classes, a workbook, recipes, support, and guidance in doing a full body cleanup to start 2017 off right!

The first few weeks are a learning curve as your body heals and adjusts to new changes.  You will start to feel better and notice changes after the first week, but the complete healing process takes longer.  The good news is that improvements are front-loaded and you will start to see more significant benefits within the month. Once you start seeing changes, it’s exciting to continue and learn just how good you can feel!

Week 1:  We will Get Ready:  
• Six Steps of Detox
• Discuss what to include in our grocery list  (and what to avoid)
• Discuss lymphatic and circulatory supporting therapies
• Discuss what to eat and supplementation support

Week 2:  Detox Week
• Lets move it out . . . toxins be gone
• Clean up your Gut
• Foods that support your brain
• Healthy snacks
• Discuss common problems with detox and antidotes, and daily routines

Week 3:  House Cleaning
• Cleaning up your environment outside your body
• Supporting your body’s ability to detoxify
• How often should I help support detoxification
• What does my liver do anyway

Week 4:  How to Keep Your Body Dancing
• What do I eat now?
• How do I stick to a healthy nutrition plan for life?
• How does stress affect your body?
• Food allergies and intolerances

Let us help you celebrate the gift of your body, care for that gift wisely and start developing good habits and crowding out the bad habits.

Call us and get additional information and reserve your space!
Grab a friend or spouse and get healthy together.  We will send you the complete details (239) 481-5600 or  (239) 777-4647 or (239) 560-8334