Cheers to The Holiday Season Full of Celebration After Celebration!

By Melissa Stanley R.N., B.S.N.

Season Full The holiday season hustle and bustle can be a joyful but stressful time. As we cram our days full of parties and shopping, meanwhile trying to find time to relax and enjoy the magic of the season with our loved ones.

During this time, our stress and anxiety can be sky high. Manic moments and low lows certainly don’t get us in the mood for holiday cheer. Did you know what we put in our body can help our mood? We have all heard the age old saying, “You are what you eat.” We know we feel better when we are putting good, wholesome nutrition in our bodies.

As part of our journey to better self-care, we can continue to support our health with an exciting therapy called NAD+ therapy. Many researchers have shown that NAD+ can reverse the biochemical parameters associated with aging.

NAD is a coenzyme that occurs naturally in every cell in the body. NAD+ is responsible for every single metabolic function in our bodies – just as our cars need gas – or in this day and age – a charge, keeping our NAD levels optimal is like putting gas in our cars. It helps to reverse cellular damage and works to maintain DNA integrity. This enzyme is important to fulfill a number of key functions in our bodies – from muscular movement, blood circulation, DNA repair, metabolism, energy levels and mitochondrial function. Unfortunately, as our body ages, NAD levels decline, and this affects our brain health tremendously. Think of NAD+ therapy as nutrition for your brain.

There is lots of exciting research regarding the neurological benefits of NAD+, specifically for people suffering from stress and anxiety, which could arguably be all of us right now. NAD is a key component of brain health. With NAD Therapy, you can improve your memory and mental clarity. Can you say “OM” to that? Imagine the zen-like feeling after your beloved daily yoga practice. NAD+ can help you curb your anxiety. Studies show NAD+ is helping people who suffer from chronic depression. Seasonal depression is a real thing and even in sunny Naples, the holidays can spur seasonal sadness.

NAD+ can aid those in addiction recovery. Another stressor of this holiday, a.k.a. drinking season can be a real issue for those battling alcohol addiction. NAD+ declines naturally as we age and even more so by those who suffer from drug or alcohol addictions. This increases the difficulty of converting food into energy. Some even believe that people who produce lower levels of NAD are more likely to have trouble with addiction. NAD Therapy flushes drugs out of the addict’s system, reduces withdrawal effects, curbs cravings, and allows the body to produce more energy naturally.

NAD+ therapy helps repair cells that have been damaged by aging, oxidative stress, inflammation, toxins, environmental stressors, and poor nutrient intake or absorption. Experience for yourself the incredible transformation NAD+ can have on your daily life. Schedule a free consultation with one of our professionals and learn how NAD+ infusion therapy can boost you to a higher level of health and wellness. You’ll be amazed at your transformation from the inside out.

2180 Tamiami Trail N.
Naples, FL 34102