Can IV Vitamins Help You Look Younger and Have Healthy Skin?

By Katherine Hermes

We have found a variety of vitamins, antioxidants that have positive effects on skin. These nutrients help to slow down damage caused by free radicals which can harm healthy skin cells.

Our skin is the largest organ in our bodies. It is primarily made up of collagen and elastin. IV vitamin therapy can provide instant hydration for our skin. This results in a decrease of inflammation and less redness. Additionally, when using an IV to promote healthy skin we usually infuse antioxidants.

You hear a lot about “anti-oxidants”, but what are they? Imagine you’re at a campfire and someone throws a rock into the open flame. A lot of little red sparks might jump into the air. Those little red sparks can be thought of as inflammation or “free radicals”. As you can imagine, if the little sparks land on your skin they can burn you – that is what causes the redness in your skin. When we add “anti-oxidants” we are essentially adding little “fire blockers” to absorb and collect the “free radicals”. So, when that rock is thrown into the fire, the anti-oxidants prevent the free radical sparks from getting out and burning you, irritating you and causing redness and dryness.

The most popular IV ingredients used for skin benefits are Vitamin C, Glutathione, and B Vitamins. Each one of these vitamins works in a different way and together they have an amazing effect on your skin.

• Vitamin C is an antioxidant which helps block the damaging effects of free radicals which have long been associated with the aging process. Vitamin C is also necessary for collagen formation and tissue repair. This means Vitamin C helps your skin look plump and full.

• Glutathione is considered to be one of the most important antioxidants in the human body. A powerful antioxidant, it detoxifies your skin by eliminating by neutralizing free radicals. Along with redness and dryness, free radicals can also cause cellular damage. Glutathione also has dermatological properties. Glutathione deficiency is associated with aging.

• Vitamin B-Complex is actually several B vitamins all working together. A complex of thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacinamide (B3), and panthenol (B5). B Vitamins can help the body produce healthy new skin cells. In addition, vitamin B-5 may helps with acne and skin aging.

• You hear a lot about B12. This vitamin is an essential water-soluble vitamin required for cell reproduction, B12 has many health and wellness applications and it can aid in making your skin and hair brighter. Vitamin B12 helps to regulate the production of pigment in the skin, helping to prevent dark spots and pigmentation.

• Cobalamin is part of the B12 family. It’s role is to assist the body with the metabolism of proteins. In turn, the protein promotes the growth of healthy skin cells and helps to repair damaged skin.

At The Drip Bar, we offer a drip called “The Firm”. This drip combination increases the collagen production from vitamin c, biotin which supports the skin, hair and nails, and Glutathione – the mother of anti-oxidants – with substantial research on improvements to skin.

So why take your vitamins from and IV rather than topically or by mouth? IV infusions bypass your digestive system, delivering a cocktail of vitamins and minerals straight into the bloodstream, compared to oral supplements of which only around 20% is thought to be absorbed.

What should you expect after an IV drip to improve your skin? For one thing, you may have more energy resulting from an antioxidant drip. You should also look more refreshed when you look in the mirror. The bags under my eyes should disappear and any usual blotchy redness can fade. You probably won’t look as tired and that benefit will continue to improve over time, which is called a “glutathione glow”. You should see visible results the same day.

Anti-oxidants also act as a defense against pollution and chemicals. Of course, you can’t give up on drinking water. That will help flush any complexion-dulling waste from your system. And, glutathione is essential for helping build your white blood cells – your bodies natural defense army against infection… But that is a story for another day.

The Drip Bar, 1473 Main St., Sarasota is opening in November 2022. With lots of great new skin and other IV options, you will enjoy stopping by, even if it is only to say hello. Call 941-867-9406 to make an appointment or to learn more, go to