A New Breed of Health Care Practitioner Is Emerging

By Toni Eatros, MS, Dipl Ac, AP

A New Breed of Health Care Practitioner Is EmergingMany of you are fed up with our current health care system and the care you are receiving. Are your health care complaints resolving

or are they just being managed? If you said managed, then this article is for you.

Unfortunately, our health care and insurance systems in the U.S. are broken. Your doctor does not have the decision making ability that you think he/she does. The insurance policy makers are making the decisions about your health care, based on money. This is called the “standard of care” and if a doctor doesn’t follow the standard of care when treating a patient, he/she is technically in malpractice.

What this means is that if you go to your doctor and get a type II diabetes diagnosis, the doctor will have to prescribe Metformin to manage the type II diabetes. The insurance company allows for about 7 minutes for the doctor to see you, tell you your diagnosis and the ramification of the diagnosis and how it will be treated. Now, we all know that nutrition and exercise is key to managing diabetes. Does the doctor have time to teach you how to eat properly and what type and amount of exercise is best for you and your condition? No, absolutely not.

People don’t develop type II diabetes from too little Metformin in the body. The metformin will not correct or cure the diabetes, it just manages the blood sugar numbers. The problem is, the insulin resistance isn’t addressed and more often than not, after being on Metformin for ten years, these people will have to start taking insulin. Lifestyle modifications, however, can correct type two diabetes.

So, you can see, we have a broken system. The good news is, we have a new breed health care practitioner emerging that is not bound to the broken system and can do things differently. If you want different results, you have to take different action and these practitioners can help you.

This new breed of health care practitioner comes in many forms. Some are acupuncturists, some are chiropractors, some are counsellors and psychologists, functional medicine specialists, nutritionists, nurse practitioners and yes, even medical doctors that have been disillusioned by the constraints of our current system.

These practitioners are on a mission to change the face of medicine!

These providers look for the root imbalance of the body and focus on correcting it. They do not look to just suppress symptoms. When the root problem is corrected, correlating symptoms disappear automatically. In order to diagnose the root imbalance, often functional medicine testing is used. We have to test, not guess, so the adrenal system and digestive system are tested. These are different tests than what your normal “in the system” doctor routinely run.

We use at home salivary, urine and stool tests to identify the underlying cause of your symptoms. Once we know what is going on, we use high quality natural products and lifestyle modifications to correct the issue.

At my clinic, Acupuncture & Natural Health Solutions, we take it a step further. We now offer a wellness curriculum that includes the functional medicine testing, the personalized treatment plan, acupuncture, classes, online videos, and reading. We teach you why you are making the changes that we ask you to make. When you are informed about nutrition, exercise, stress management, detoxification, hormones, and all of the pillars of health, you will have a 92% chance of staying out of the broken health care system I discussed above.

With this program, we can teach you how to possibly reverse diabetes, thyroid conditions, heart disease, autoimmune conditions, mood disorders, digestive disorders, hormone imbalance, etc, etc, etc. You are not doomed to a life of compromised quality. You do not have to be a prisoner to your chronic, degenerative disease. There is another way.

What are you missing out on because of your chronic illness? If you do nothing different, and continue on the path you are currently on regarding your health, where do you see yourself in 5 years? If you don’t like the answers to these questions, I suggest you act now and begin to do things differently.

I invite you to one of my Stress, Hormones and Health Lunch/Dinner talks where I talk about the current state of our health care system and how it is my mission to teach people how to get the their life back. I will talk about my wellness curriculum that will help you reverse your chronic, degenerative disease.

Einstein said, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. 95% of all disease is lifestyle. If you can learn what lifestyle guidelines are fact and which are fiction, if you could have a mentor to guide you step by step, if you could stop poisoning your body with pharmaceuticals and instead give the body the nutrients and building blocks it needs to function properly, wouldn’t you want to?

At Acupuncture & Natural Health Solutions, we offer just that. I invite you to come have a meal on me and learn more about Stress, Hormones and Health. This is where all disease begins. Call my office, 239-260-4566, to find out when my next available presentation is being offered. You can get your life back, if you step out of your comfort zone and take a different action.

Toni Eatros,
Acupuncture Physician
18 Years of experience and expansive medical knowledge.

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