Ask the Audiologist

Q:  I seem to be having difficulty understanding words, and focusing my attention when too many people are talking at the same time.   Are there any exercises that can help me improve my listening skills?

A: Listening and comprehension of speech are complex auditory functions, which can be affected by certain types of hearing loss and one’s central auditory processing ability.  Once sounds of speech are detected at ear level, neural impulses send this information to areas of the brain for auditory
processing.  Listening can be improved through Auditory Training exercises.

These are carefully-designed, computerized programs which guide you through exercises to enhance your speech understanding, attention and the cognitive skills necessary for processing key auditory information.

Q: I have trouble hearing, and lately I feel exhausted by the end of the day after my meetings with co-workers.  Can this be due to straining to hear others in conversation?

A: Yes!  When you have untreated hearing loss, it forces parts of the brain to work harder for the purposes of listening, attention and comprehension – tasks that are much easier for those with normal hearing.  Putting forth that much effort for listening in daily meetings is not necessary and can lead to fatigue, headaches, and increased stress levels.  By reducing the effects of hearing loss you can improve your ability to understand speech, without exerting all that effort when communicating with others.

If you have a question related to hearing loss or any other related Audiology topic, please email them to For more information or to schedule an initial consultation, please call our office at (239) 434-0086 or  visit us online at