Are Your Legs Ready for Spring?

Legs ReadySpider veins are like varicose veins, except for smaller ones. These small red, purple, and blue “threadlike” veins are visible on the skin’s surface. They occur on the legs but can also be found on the face. Spider veins vary in size and often look like a spider’s web or a tree branch. Spider veins are purely cosmetic issues and pose no threat to a person’s health. Aside from an unpleasant appearance, they can also cause various symptoms, such as itching, burning, heaviness, and cramping. Since they are usually not associated with deeper vein issues, ultrasound tests are not required for routine cases.

Common Risk Factors for Spider Veins
. Heredity – family history of varicose veins
. Gender- Women are at a higher risk than men
. Pregnancy- especially during the late-term
. Obesity
. Excessive standing and sitting

Diagnosing Spider Veins
We will conduct an initial consultation to determine whether unsightly veins are spider or varicose. In some cases, spider veins could be secondary to varicose veins. We will ask you questions during the consultation to help determine your vein issues. Spider veins in the leg, hand, and face are caused by unhealthy valves inside feeder veins, allowing blood to flow backward instead of upwards toward the heart. Some of this backed-up blood can lead to non-functional, “dead-end” veins that appear underneath the skin’s surface as spider veins.

Treatment options for Spider Veins
We treat spider veins with sclerotherapy and cutaneous laser treatment. Unfortunately, this is a lifelong battle for most patients. Even after successful treatment, the body tends to continue producing them. For this reason, most patients need intermittent maintenance treatments to keep their legs spider-vein-free.

Sclerotherapy: Sclerotherapy is a minimally invasive treatment for varicose veins and spider veins. Your healthcare provider injects a chemical solution into your vein to close it off. This chemical solution irritates your blood vessel lining, expanding, sticking together, and forming a scar. This closes off your vein, making it look and feel better.

This in-office treatment works well for many people, especially on smaller varicose veins. Recovery is quick but can take weeks or months to see results. The procedure itself is usually done in under one hour.

Advantages of sclerotherapy include:
• No anesthesia. There is little pain with enough compression from the bandage on the vein. Compression also may help with bruising and swelling.
• Good results for most people. Sclerotherapy works especially well on smaller varicose veins. A session may eliminate an estimated 50% to 80% of injected veins. In about 10% of cases, sclerotherapy doesn’t work. If this happens, your healthcare provider can try different solutions or methods, such as laser therapy.
• Fairly quick results for small veins. Spider veins usually respond to treatment in three to six weeks, but it may take three to four months for larger veins.
• With successful treatment, varicose veins or spider veins won’t reappear. However, you may need treatment for new varicose veins that form.
• Cutaneous Laser Therapy is an effective treatment for Spider Veins. At the Vascular and Vein Center at Gulfcoast Surgeons, we use a cutaneous laser to treat veins in the legs and face. Laser therapy uses a highly concentrated beam of light to heat and close the vein. This treatment does not cause damage to the skin and requires no downtime.

Advantages of Using Laser Vein Therapy:
There are no risks involved with these treatments, whereas methods such as sclerotherapy can cause slight bruising and patients can sometimes react to the saline solution. We find lasers to be a better option on facial spider veins, where the skin is more delicate. Lasers also are faster and more efficient when treating larger groups of spider veins.

Cutaneous Laser Therapy is a very efficient solution to superficial spider veins. This procedure has many benefits, including:
• Fast recovery
• Non-surgical
• Quick and effective treatment
• Generally painless

It should be noted that this treatment is effective only for superficial spider veins that appear on the skin’s surface. This treatment does not treat more severe, underlying issues. Be sure to speak with your doctor about all your options.

The Vascular and Vein Center at Gulfcoast Surgeons is one of the first and most respected vein clinics in Southwest Florida. Our surgeons, Dr. Abraham Sadighi and Dr. Johan Escribano have performed thousands of vascular and vein surgeries over the past 28 years. We focus on diseases of the vascular system that can range from harmless but unattractive spider veins to dangerous conditions such as peripheral artery disease. Our caring and dedicated team will help you identify problems and offer the best treatment options for you at any of our three locations.

Vascular and Vein Center at Gulfcoast Surgeons


Fort Myers
8010 Summerlin Lakes Dr., Ste. 100
Fort Myers, FL 33907

Cape Coral
1003 Del Prado Blvd., Ste. 303
Cape Coral, FL 33990

Bonita Springs
24301 Walden Center Dr., Ste. 102
Bonita Springs, FL 34134