A New Beginning This Summer with New Beginnings hCG Weight-Loss Regimen

By Sharon C Sullivan, Clinic Director, New Beginnings hCG Clinics SW Florida – Part of Nova Medical SWF, Inc. –

HCGSchool is out for the summer and the seasonal crush of tourists and snowbirds has slowed. Summertime and the living is easy, at least it would be easy if you just weighed xxx less (you fill in the blank) pounds. Latest information shows that 2/3’s of American adults are overweight or obese. Now that there is time to concentrate on yourself, this summer could be time for you to become one of the healthy minority by getting your weight under control and understanding your relationship to food.

How the Hormone hCG Works
New Beginnings hCG Clinics follow the traditional hCG diet developed over 50 years ago by the endocrinologist, A.T.W. Simeon, MD. We offer people a chance to radically change their relationship to food by eating a clean and unprocessed diet, free of industrial additives and stabilizers. Plain lean protein and large quantities of leafy vegetables and whole fruits are the basis of this diet. Because of the action of the hormone hCG, fat is mobilized while stopping hunger. The weight loss is quite rapid, often as much as a pound a day, and the fat loss is remarkable. Dr. Simeon called his treatise “Pounds and Inches” because of the targeted fat loss. Look at the New Beginnings Website to learn more. www.newbeginningshcgclinic.com

In the past 4 years, the hCG diet has become more and more popular. Last year, with the positive programs about the diet on the Dr. Oz show and others, the diet has become one of the most popular around. The hCG protocol has actually been around for years, even in SW Florida. I still get the occasional woman in my office that was on the program 30 years ago in Fort Myers. Now, with the explosion of obesity and the health concerns it has generated, everyone is looking for the “quick fix.”

Rapid Weight Loss
It is true that the hCG diet offers a very rapid weight loss, but I do not want anyone to think it is a quick fix. For weight loss to be transformational, there must be long term follow through with a maintenance plan. hCG does cause rapid weight loss but each six week protocol is followed with a stabilization period to reset the body’s metabolism. I think this is where the true difference lies. Otherwise, there is the chance of weight rebound.

What we emphasize to our dieters at New Beginnings is the importance of a long term maintenance plan to achieve permanent weight loss. Without the stabilizing effect of a maintenance program, no weight loss can be permanent. In fact, your body is destined to return to a certain “set point” weight. This is a real cause of yo-yo dieting. We believe certain steps taken to stabilize weight after rapid loss can insure that a new “set point” is achieved for the body. Our dieters who follow this regimen are surprised at how easy this step can be.

Make This Your Last Diet!
Our goal is to help you find a weight that is easy for you to maintain, where you feel good and have energy but are not constantly fighting to keep an unreasonable weight goal. Let us help you with your Last Diet. Call our office in Fort Myers 239 288 6581 or in Bonita Springs 239-676-5374 to schedule a consultation.


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