Put a STOP to Workplace Suffering and Distress!

Written by Dr. Wendy Nickerson

Put a STOP to Workplace Suffering and Distress!It is no coincidence that most heart attacks and suicides occur on Sunday night or Monday morning. Some would rather die than put in another day at work. Recent studies have determined that depression and anxiety are an epidemic in our world. The people who experience these debilitating diseases the most are those that work in toxic, negative, fear-based workplaces. Furthermore, the organizations that maintain these ‘lack of happiness’ cultures lose millions of dollars each year due to low productivity, sick leave, and constant employee turnover. Some businesses are oblivious to the fact that chronic negativity breeds mental and physical diseases. Many employees have no idea that it is their chronic work stress and trauma that is literally killing them. Interestingly, many organizations turn a blind eye to these statistics, and would rather continue taking huge annual loses, than make positive changes in the culture of their workplace. Some simply don’t know what to do. But, there is a relatively easy fix.

Given that it has been established that depression, anxiety, and a negative mindset lead to chronic illnesses and disease, it makes sense to find ways to instill happiness and positive emotions in the workplace. However, for many this is a foreign concept as we have been socialized to believe that work is a ‘form of drudgery that we must endure in order to earn a living’. The very first step in changing this paradigm in our culture is to realize that people can be happy, smiling, joking around, and productive at the same time. As a matter of fact, a human being’s natural state is one of happiness, therefore, when they are happy they are significantly more creative and productive.

Training selected staff members to become Corporate Integrative Health Coaches (CIHC) is an effective first step to changing organizational culture on a sustainable level. CIHCs have the skills to work individually and in groups throughout the organization to provide education, information and practice on how to maintain a positive mindset, build resilience, and create a flow of uplifting emotions.

Evidence-based motivational interviewing techniques and cognitive-behavioral strategies, along with mindfulness-based stress reduction are powerful in creating a shift in attitude, expectancy, connection and community. CIHCs are taught effective strategies to deal with workplace bullies, resiliency, civility, toxic co-workers, trauma-informed environments, and generational differences.

Organizations that truly understand the importance of increasing happiness in their workplaces can do their part too by using strategies such as allowing for flextime, scheduling exercise breaks, devising methods to create a fun environment, lead with laughter, encourage mini time-outs, find the humor in negative situations, designate a humor corner, create a ‘fun squad’, acknowledge workplace anniversaries, build a ‘wall of fame’, and plan group excursions. All of these activities lead to decreased stress and increased happiness. The most important of these activities is teaching people how to deal with stress and anxiety and developing the mindset of learned optimism and happiness. Yes, this can be done!

Certifying several motivated staff members in corporate integrative health coaching is crucial to advancing the level of employee health, happiness culture, productivity, and bottom line in any organization. A small price for a huge change!

Dr. Nickerson’s Certified Corporate Integrative Health Coach Training Program is a one-of-a-kind integrative mental health care training program that can be used as a stand-alone organizational mental health coach certification or as an expansion of present organizational consultant or human resources knowledge and expertise.

The next 15-week virtual training program begins on October 16, 2018.

For more information and registration, visit http://nickersoninstitute.com/corporate/ or contact Dr. Nickerson at drwendynickerson@gmail.com or call 888-339-8443.

Dr. Wendy Nickerson, a licensed psychologist in Arizona and Nova Scotia, and is the Founder of the Nickerson Institute of Integrative Health Training, a company dedicated to helping individuals and organizations achieve ultimate success through mind, body, spirit health and wellness.

Dr. Nickerson has developed and delivers an accredited and certified virtual/live Integrative Health Coach Training Program with the focus on holistic mental health practices. Graduates from this inclusive and intensive program can apply for Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner and/or Registered Health Coach status. The program encompasses interwoven evidence-based aspects of Mindfulness, Neuroscience, Positive Psychology, Energy Psychology, Psychoneuroimmunology and Cognitive Behavioral Techniques. Other aspects of spirituality and the power of our thoughts, words, and energy fields are taught throughout this course.

The next training session starts on September 10th. The Corporate training session begins on October 16, 2018.

Dr. Nickerson is also available for public speaking and provide talks and presentations to your group or organization.

For more information and registration go to http://nickersoninstitute.com/individual-health-

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