Great News for Your Southwest Florida Skin

By Toni Eatros, MS, Dipl Ac, AP

How did it happen? I was cruising through life, doing the family and business thing. One morning I looked in the mirror. There was a new crease on my forehead and crow’s feet around my eyes when I smiled. I know these were not there the day before. Aging changes are subtle. Wrinkles, age spots, loss of elasticity, and abnormal cell growth can sneak up on us.

We are so lucky to live in beautiful, sunny Florida and enjoy the outdoors year round. However, sunshine can cause our skin to age at an accelerated rate. Then we look older because our skin cells are damaged by the sun.

Our health and beauty industry is massive. There is definitely no shortage of products claiming to make us look younger. However, when the ingredients of these products are analyzed, we find that the majority of these chemicals actually cause more cellular damage which leads to faster aging.

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health analyzed 2,983 chemicals used in personal care products. The findings are unimaginable. 884 of the chemicals used were toxic. 314 chemicals caused biological mutations at the cellular level. 218 of the chemicals caused reproductive complications. 148 of the chemicals were shown to cause tumors. Finally, 376 chemicals caused skin and eye irritations. This is totally unacceptable. Why are we selling known poisons to the people of our country? We need to do better. Worse yet, why are we buying these products intending to mask the signs of aging? Now that we know better, hopefully, we will make healthier choices.

The purpose of this article is to share a scientific health breakthrough and anti-aging technology that has flown under the radar for 20 years. It represents the cutting edge science of redox signaling molecules. These molecules are essential for healthy cells in every organ.

Signs of aging occur when our body fails to replace damaged cells with healthy, new cells. As we age, our “communication” system between the cells and the immune system becomes less efficient due to exposure to sun, stress and toxins. These signals alert the body that a cell is damaged and needs to be repaired or replaced. When the communication stops, the body no longer attends to damaged cells. We then start seeing moles, wrinkles, age spots, and skin blemishes that never fully heal. We start to lose skin elasticity and start to see more cellulite.

To truly look younger, cells need to be repaired or replaced. Cells combine to make tissues. Tissues combine to form organs. If our cells are healthy, our issues and organs will be healthy. If the cells are damaged or dysfunctional, the symptoms manifest on the tissue and organ level.

Our skin is our largest organ and absorbs everything we put onto it. Wouldn’t it make sense to apply safe redox signaling molecules to our skin so our cells can function optimally versus using toxic chemicals that disrupt cell communication and function?

I have extensively researched this little-known technology. The science behind it is solid and vast. Many independent labs have tested this technology and have reported the following results.

One study conducted was on women using this technology alone for 28 days. These women showed an improvement in six key areas of skin health:
1. Decreased eye wrinkle depth of greater than 20%
2. Decreased overall wrinkle depth of greater than 20%
3. Increases in facial skin texture of greater than 20%
4. Increases in skin smoothness of greater than 20%
5. Increases in skin elasticity of greater than 20%
6. Increase in skin moisture of 11%

A more recent clinical study on cellulite noted a 20% increase in skin elasticity and an improvement in the appearance of cellulite. Based upon these findings and lack of toxicity, it was awarded a coveted 5-star clinically tested seal of excellence.

A Texas study compared one forearm using the technology to the other non-treated forearm. Skin cell renewal and turnover was increased by 16% in the test arm as compared to the arm without the technology. They also studied blood flow to the skin as an explanation of enhanced skin healing. Those results indicated a 49% immediate increase in blood flow post application which increased to 55% by day four.

These studies indicate that this technology enhances replacement of damaged skin cells with healthy cells along with increased blood flow and oxygenation to the treated area. This is a safe, revolutionary, and foundational approach to how we can now think about, care for, and improve our skin health and appearance.

If you are frustrated watching the signs of aging worsen, month after month, and if this article makes sense, I invite you to visit,, and experience what this breakthrough technology can do for you.

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