10 Reasons NOT to go to the Gym… and Why Zoom Fit is the Answer…

Zoom Fit1. You’re Intimidated
Excuse: Trying something new is scary especially when I really don’t know what I’m doing because I’ve never strength trained before and I can’t afford a personal trainer. Plus, there are other people at the gym, which can be intimidating if you’re shy or self-conscious.

Solution: Zoom Fit is a whole new concept that eliminates intimidation and eliminates the need for personal trainers. It’s all in the Zoom Fit band. Let me explain:

. On your first visit you will receive a Zoom Fit wrist band and will get “onboarded” onto each of the 16 pieces of strength equipment. This onboarding will take into consideration any range of motion restrictions you have so you don’t go beyond your comfort level. The seat adjusts, the resistance adjusts, the reps adjust… all to YOUR individual needs.

. Next you will complete a body composition analysis on our scale. Our machine will read your BMI, percent body fat, your segmental muscle mass and a number of other key indicators to establish your current baseline health makeup.

. Your personal body metrics, including your physical strength, are recorded on our Zoom Fit app so you can monitor your results and progress. Every time your recorded strength increases, your workout rep weight automatically increases to keep you challenged and engaged. Watch your Biological Age decrease as your physical strength increases. It’s all contained in the Zoom Fit app!

. Walk to the machine, scan your Zoom Fit band, and follow the prompts on the 15” monitor. That’s it. No excuses.

2. You’re Too Busy
Excuse: Making the time to work out is tough when you’re already on the go. With so much to do during the day, who has time to hit the gym?

Solution: 30 minutes. You can complete the WHOLE 16 piece Zoom Fit strength circuit in less than 30 minutes. The proprietary anaerobic cardio program is completed in just 15 minutes. Exercise boosts productivity. When you go to the gym, you make it easier for yourself to get more done in a day. Zoom Fit is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Their app gets you in the door securely and the whole gym is always monitored by security cameras. You are safe inside their facility no matter when you choose to work out.

3. You’re Too Tired
Excuse: Life can be exhausting. If you’re tired, it can be hard to muster up enough energy to workout.

Solution: You gain energy and boost your mood when you exercise, so the gym can be your pick-me-up. Increasing muscle mass, reducing body fat and water retention will increase your energy and your motivation.

4. You’re Not Reaching Your Goals
Excuse: It can be downright discouraging when you are trying hard and still not reaching your goals. When that happens, you might feel like giving up on the gym.

Solution: After every six training sessions the machine will prompt you to complete a strength test. This is a great, consistent way to stay motivated and encouraged as you see your strength increasing. You will also SEE your progress on your monthly body composition analysis and in your BioAge readings on the Zoom Fit app. Numbers don’t lie. You want more progress, Zoom Fit more often. You want faster results, Zoom Fit more often. The power is in the Zoom Fit Band.

5. You Want to Lose Weight
Excuse: If you think that weight loss only happens by doing cardio, you might deem strength training unnecessary.

Solution: Strength training can help you gain muscle and lose body fat because the more muscle you have the more calories your body will burn, even when you’re not doing anything. You lose weight in the kitchen primarily and you gain muscle at the gym. Maximize your weight loss by committing to both. Zoom Fit’s app will allow you to see how you’re doing with both!

6. You Don’t Want to “Bulk Up” with Muscles as a Female
Excuse: If I strength train as a female I will build an unnatural looking body with large muscles.

Solution: Women who strength train usually see a decrease in the size of their arms, legs and other “fatty” parts of their bodies. While muscle is heavier than fat; fat takes up more volume than muscle so you will actually appear “smaller”. Something to also remember as a female is that strength training builds bone density and helps prevent osteoporosis.

7. You Don’t Want to Socialize
Excuse: Workout time is you time. If you hit the gym, people might try to make it a social hour. You just want to enjoy your workout – alone and Zoom in and Zoom out!

Solution: Zoom Fit is a timed circuit, so you don’t have to wait for someone to get off your next piece of equipment. Everybody finishes on their machine at the same time and moves on to the next machine which keeps everybody moving. There’s really no time to chit chat so you can stay in your own personal zone without distractions.

8. You’ve Hit a Plateau
Excuse: You lost the pounds you wanted to at first, but now you’re not seeing results anymore. You’ve hit a fitness plateau, so the gym just bores you.

Solution: Zoom Fit’s built-in trainer continually changes your workout routine, so you never get bored and are always being pushed and motivated. The entire premise behind Zoom Fit is to train your muscles differently so you don’t hit a plateau. There’s always another level of fitness to master. Strength training, cardiovascular health, reducing or eliminating medications… your body is a temple. You owe it 30 minutes three or more times a week.

9. You Lack the Motivation
Excuse: What’s the use of working out when it’s going to take forever to see any results?

Solution: Everybody has times they don’t “feel like” working out. That’s the best time to go to the gym, though. Seeing those numbers change on your Zoom Fit app and feeling the increase in energy will be enough motivation to keep you coming back for another Zoom Fit session.

10. You Can’t Afford It
Excuse: A gym membership can be expensive. For many people, cost is the number one reason not to go to the gym.

Solution: Zoom Fit is only $55 a month for fitness and tanning with no commitment, cancel online anytime. Get there and lock in your price now!!

Find Your Reason to Zoom
Zoom Fit is the right solution for every age, sex and fitness level. The best way to get past all the reasons NOT to go to the gym is to remind yourself of WHY you DO go. Think of the people you love who benefit when you’re healthy. Focus on your own goals. Give Zoom Fit a try. Each time you complete a new body composition analysis scan, you will SEE the progress and Zoom back for more.