Tag Archives: featured


By Sean A. Castellucci, D.O. – After being diagnosed with prostate cancer a wide variety of treatment options may be available depending on your specific stage and degree of cancer. These options can be confusing for even the most educated of patients. Advice comes from a lot of different sources including your doctor, friends and family, reports in the news, …

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Available Alzheimer’s Medications

Although current medications cannot cure Alzheimer’s or stop it from progressing, they may help lessen symptoms, such as memory loss and confusion, for a limited time. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved two types of medications – cholinesterase inhibitors (Aricept, Exelon, Razadyne, Cognex) and memantine (Namenda) – to treat the cognitive symptoms (memory loss, confusion, and problems …

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What About Thermography

By Dr. Thomas Hudson – “Which one is better—a mammogram or a thermogram?” That’s what everyone wants to know. It’s a perfectly logical question, one I am asked everywhere I go. But it’s the wrong question. It’s more complex than that. Yes, both tests can produce images of the breasts, and both offer the possibility of early breast cancer detection, …

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Breast Cancer and Blood Sugar: Are they Linked?

By Dr. Caroline Cederquist and Joy Lynn Post – If you choose to eat lots of veggies and go for walks each day, you are helping prevent certain cancers with every bite and with every step.You are also deterring diabetes. It may be a little surprising that these two major health issues, cancer and blood sugar, are interconnected, but they …

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Normal Thyroid? Maybe Not.

 STEP INTO THE SPOT LIGHT WITH TERESA SIEVERS, MD, MSMS, FAARM & KAREN CALLAN, BA, CHHC, AADP EDITED BY ANNIE LISA – QUESTION: Dear Dr. Sievers and Coach Karen, I am a 39 year old female trying to lose weight. I eat a healthy diet and exercise at least 45 minutes, five times a week, but the scale won’t budge. …

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LASIK Eye Surgery

Performed since the early 1970’s, refractive surgery procedures improve vision due to nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia) and astigmatism. With the advent of the laser for refractive surgery (photorefractive keratectomy or PRK), a new era in eye care is unfolding. It has been found that the excimer laser procedure combined with the creation of a corneal flap (Lamellar Keratoplasty or LK) …

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HEADACHES AND NECK PAIN… a surprising contributor!

By Dr. Deanna Barbaro – Often times we attribute recurrent headaches, migraines, neck pain and stiffness to tension or stress. There is a veritable contributing factor which may be sitting in your pocket, purse or among the possessions you are currently holding while reading this article. If you spend much time bending your head forward to be able to text …

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Young Mother’s Journey with Breast Cancer… Mendy

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, when we often take time to think of the survivors and victims of breast cancer. Those of us who have not had a personal experience with breast cancer often only associate pink ribbons and races with the disease. These are wonderful things and we certainly are grateful to the organizations that are raising so …

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There’s Pink and then there is KOMEN PINK

We all know that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and has become “Pinktober.”  Companies put pink ribbons on their products or services and while some of these legitimately support efforts to fight breast cancer, not all do and you’re never quite sure how the money is used. That’s why it is important to know that any product that benefits …

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Heels: How High is Too High?!

By Dr. Garrett Harte – The shoes we wear say a lot about us. The color, the style and the height! Women’s high heels have been a fashion statement for centuries. What also has been an issue for centuries is the pain inflicted by those same shoes. High heeled shoes can cause a myriad of problems including but not limited …

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