Tag Archives: featured

Men Have Hormones Too

By Dr. Sean A. Castellucci, Urology Partners – Maintaining adequate hormone levels is vital to keeping the male body strong, muscular, youthful and vibrant. When hormone levels drop, the aging process escalates and men may experience a decrease in strength and stamina. Hormones affect the male body and there is a lot a person can do to maintain proper levels. …

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Prevent Falls with Balance Training

By Request Physical Therapy – Falls are prevalent, dangerous, and costly. About one in three seniors above age 65, and nearly one in two seniors over age 80, will fall at least once this year, many times with disastrous consequences. As our nation’s population ages, the number of falls is doing anything but falling, in fact it is rising steadily. …

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Q&A Medical Oncology

By Jay Wang, MD – Q: My mother just started hormone replacement therapy.  I have heard that this can be a contributing cause to cancer.  Should she stop taking her hormone replacement medication? A: Hormone replacement therapy (HRT)  is often used to ease symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes and protect against osteoporosis and bone loss. However, findings from …

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Our Care in Your Home

By Gulf Coast Village Home Health Services – Whether you or your loved one requires some assistance maintaining their independence at home or skilled rehabilitation after a hospital stay, Home Care and Home Health by Gulf Coast Village can provide the same award winning service in your home that it provides to its residents on their campus. Home Care by …

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Fat Is The New Cool!

Riverchase Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery – So what is Coolsculpting? Coolsculpting is an FDA-approved noninvasive way to treat fat. There are no incisions, anesthesia, or medications required. How does it work? There is a medical entity called popsicle panniculitis that was first described in the 1970s where little children had popsicles placed in their mouths, but because they were so …

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Defeat Gum Disease

There is a silent oral disease affecting more than 80% of adults. Chances are you either have had or are currently battling periodontal (gum) disease. Unfortunately, in many cases, the disease goes undetected until painful symptoms begin occurring. At which time the disease and any adverse conditions have already set in. Because there are no early signs of periodontal disease, …

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As president of Nova Medical, I have witnessed hundreds of people win their fights with drug and nicotine addiction.  Unfortunately, I have also seen hundreds relapse and fall right back into the downward addiction spiral. When  I consult with a new client, there is one question I can ask that will give me a very  accurate prediction as to whether …

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Diabetic Eye Disease

– A Leading Cause  of Blindness and Vision Loss November is Diabetic Eye Disease Awareness Month – Diabetic Retinopathy, a condition occurring in people with diabetes, causes progressive damage to the retina, the light sensitive lining at the back of your eye. It is a serious sight-threatening complication of diabetes. Local Ophthalmologist Jonathan M. Frantz, MD, FACS, joins the American …

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The Fabulous Effects of Fiber

One of the most underutilized treatments for bowel irregularity is something your parents have probably said repeatedly, “Eat more fiber.” Most healthcare providers are parents too, but we’ve learned why it’s so important and so often repeated. Dietary fiber — found mainly in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes — is probably best known for its ability to prevent or …

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Safe & Effective Weight Loss Combination

By Gary M. Bunch, MD, F.A.C.S. – Chances are, right now you would like to (or need to) lose some weight, build some muscle and get in better shape, or maybe you just want to live a better, healthier lifestyle. Dr. Bunch of Bradenton Surgical Group will challenge the way you think about slimming down and shaping up, by introducing …

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