Collier Edition

How to Socialize While Managing your Weight


By Aubrey Fulton APRN “Let’s grab a drink.” I can’t, I am in a weight loss program! “Pizza on Friday?” I can’t, I’m on a weight loss journey! “There are donuts in the break room!” I can’t, I just can’t! Being enrolled in a weight loss program and managing your health doesn’t mean you have to sit at home alone …

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How Can IV Vitamin Infusions Help Cancer Patients?

IV Vitamin

By Arlynne Kingsman, R.N. Going through cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation can cause a multitude of side effects for a patient: fatigue, nutritional deficiencies, decreased oral intake, myalgias, weakness, gingivitis, and oral sores, just to name a few. It is important for cancer patients to keep their vitamin stores at high levels to help decrease these side effects. …

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Warding Off Geriatric Depression

Geriatric Depression

By Richard J. Capiola, MD Everyone has feeling of sadness and loneliness from time to time. This is a normal part of life and growing older. However, when these feelings last for long periods of time and take away from day-to-day life, they need to be treated. It is estimated that more than 6 million adults over the age of …

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Breast Cancer and Your Skin

Breast Cancer

By Sydney Tateo, DNP, ARNP October is breast cancer awareness month. Each year I like to take this opportunity to educate others as to why checking your skin is so important, not just in regards to skin cancer, but also in the setting of breast cancer. Breast cancer is the second most common cancer amongst women, with skin cancer being …

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Medical Marijuana & Inflammation

Medical Marijuana

Medical Marijuana is now being recognized it for its anti-inflammatory properties, making medical marijuana for inflammation an exciting treatment alternative. When the white blood cells in your body detect a foreign substance like a virus, your immune system starts working to protect your body from further complications. However, sometimes your immune system triggers an inflammatory response even though no foreign …

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Turning to a Balanced & Healthy Market

Healthy Market

By Robert Nardi, Broker/Owner During April, the overall inventory in Naples increased 16.5 percent to 1,668 properties from 1,432 properties in April 2021. After reviewing the April 2022 Market Report by the Naples Area Board of REALTORS® (NABOR®), which tracks home listings and sales within Collier County (excluding Marco Island), the Naples area housing market appears to be making a …

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Hormonal Imbalances in Men and Women: How Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) is Beneficial for Both

By Dr. Carolina Young As we age, both men and women will start to experience symptoms of hormonal imbalance. For men, this is called andropause, and for women, it’s connected to perimenopause, menopause or postmenopause. The symptoms for males and females are very similar. For men, as they age and their hormonal testosterone levels begin to decline, most men will experience …

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It’s True – Chocolate is Toxic to Dogs


Two chemicals in chocolate are what makes it so dangerous and deadly for dogs when they ingest chocolate. These are theobromine and caffeine. The main problem is that dogs cannot metabolize them, so the onset and delayed ability to get rid of the toxin makes the animal extremely ill. Theobromine and caffeine have similar effects, such as dilates blood vessels, …

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By Paula Swift, CHTP Just one word evokes a diverse response. Whether you’ve experienced it yourself, or walked alongside others through their crisis, fear, anger and sadness tend to dominate. So, it might sound strange when some will remark this time in their life to be the best event that ever happened to them. I am one of them. When …

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Benefits of Dental CT Scanning

When undertaking complex treatments such as dental implants, the dentist will want to know what lies beneath the surface of your gums and teeth, this is where a CT scan is of utmost importance. CT stands for computerized tomography, the CBCT (Cone Beam Computerized Tomography) scanner is a specially designed machine that uses x-rays in a cone beam, typically used …

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