Collier Edition

Why so Tired? Top 5 Reasons You’re Struggling with Sleep

By Kara Jacobs – Darker mornings and lighter evenings always seem to put a wrench in our sleeping schedule when spring time rolls around each year.  However, could more serious conditions be contributing to your sleepless nights? It can be hard to tell if you just had a rough night of sleep or if it might be a chronic condition …

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A Solution to Sun Exposure that you will Actually Enjoy

The sun’s rays may give us short-term benefits, but it can cost us in the long run. After your skin’s glowing tan fades, unwanted wrinkles and age spots may linger for years to come. Damaging effects to the skin caused by sun exposure are as follows: . Mottled Pigmentation: Discolored areas of  the skin . Benign Tumors:  Noncancerous growths in …

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Why use a senior housing advisor

By Bruce Rosenblatt – The other day, I went car shopping with my mother.  As we pulled into the dealership parking lot, we could see the sales people moving in on us like wounded prey. “Brace yourself, we said to each other…here they come.”  Even though the sales folks were nice and informative, it was clear what their mission was… …

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Confused about Health Care Reform?

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act – also called the ACA or Obamacare – was signed into law by President Barack Obama in 2010. Whether you are for it or against it, everyone must comply and obtain coverage. If you don’t buy coverage or go without it for three months or longer, you’ll be charged a penalty by the …

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Recover with Confidence

You have enough things on your mind. Your hair loss shouldn’t be one of them. Medical hair loss is caused by medical treatments such as chemotherapy and others. Normally its a temporary condition, reversing itself after treatments stop. It can be very disconcerting to the women who experience it. We specialize in helping women whose hair loss has been induced …

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Concerned About Your Memory? Have a Hearing Test!

Research shows a strong relationship between hearing loss and cognitive decline. By Hoglund Family Hearing and Audiology Services – Does your loved one constantly forget items that you know you’ve discussed with them, or is it possible that they didn’t actually hear the message correctly? This question has been a concern for many families who suspect that a family member …

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Are Implants For You?

Many patients have heard of dental implants even though they may not undertand what they are. Rarely, however, do patients know the significant benefits to their health and well-being that implants can provide. The first step in discussing implants with patients is to educate them about these very real benefits. • Bone Resorption and Esthetics • Patients who have lost …

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Got love handles or unwanted belly bulge?

Have wrinkles or cellulite? Could your skin use a little bit of tightening? If you answered yes to any of these questions, Swan Age Reversal Centers uses state-of-the-art technologies to help rid you of these troublesome areas. With the introduction of the Zerona (Cold Laser) and Venus Freeze contouring procedures, both of which are FDA-approved, clients can have their true …

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“To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible.”

–St. Thomas Aquinas — It’s that time again, the time when I have to roll out some trusty analogies to make some points about the markets. In normal times some investors try to time the market and individual stocks. That means buy markets and stocks when they are low and sell them when they go up. Then repeat the cycle …

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Should I be Thinking about Long-Term Care Insurance?

By George T. Leamon, CLTC – Lutgert Insurance – How About A Plan That Will Give You 100% of Your Premium Back if You Never Need it? Chances are, you are like the majority of individuals who have reached middle age. The primary concerns in your life are paying your monthly bills, making sure your children receive good education, as …

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