Collier Edition

Residents Continue Healthy, Fit Lifestyles at The Carlisle

By Thom Braun – Older adults looking for the fountain of youth may be surprised to learn that it’s actually the walk to the legendary spring that will keep them youthful, active and energized. Research continues to show that regular exercise is important to physical and mental health for almost everyone, including older adults. Marie Collignon, a resident at The …

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Don’t Give Up!

By Brent Myers, Pastor of Community Life – OK. So here we are… five months into a new year. How are things working out for you? Did you set goals for making this year the best year ever? Did you have dreams and ambitions to make this year different? Did you plan on making things better? Well… how are you …

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Underlying Reasons for Limb Swelling

By Alyssa Parker – Many people may experience complications after an operation due to the significant amount of trauma your body endures. Whether it’s cancer related, non-cancer related, or a minor surgery, patients may develop post-operative symptoms such as swelling in a limb or a particular area of the body. Swelling in the limb which may appear to be temporary …

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Winning the Hormonal Battle

By Dr. Gopinath S. Sunil – Hormones are potent chemicals that assist in maintaining our body’s normal functions.  They are chemical messengers that occur naturally and are released by our hormone-producing organs. They are generated within the endocrine system. The endocrine system is made up of a set of glands that include the thyroid, adrenal, gonads, and pituitary. These glands …

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The Facts About Blade-Free LASIK

By Dr. Alexandra Konowal – Are You Looking For Added Customization For Your LASIK Procedure? Blade-Free LASIK Might Be Your Best Surgery Option. Blade-free LASIK, an all-laser vision correction using IntraLase technology, is the latest advancement in laser vision correction. With it, patients now have the option to choose an all-laser approach to their LASIK procedure without the use of …

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Y Health, Wellness, and Fitness Information: Whom Do You Trust?

It seems as though everyone is a self-made expert when it comes to health and wellness.  Walk into any bookstore, look at any super market shelf, or watch any commercial on television and they all seem to correlate back to one’s health.  With all the information readily available, how do you know which source to trust? When it comes to …

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How Vestibular Therapy Can Benefit the Whole Person

By Chris Simeone, OTR/L, Certified Vestibular Therapist, American Institute of Balance – Human equilibrium is the result of several complex systems working together. We “absorb” information to maintain our equilibrium through three main channels: the eyes (vision), the ears (vestibular) and the feet (somatoscensory).  The brain compares this incoming information. In split seconds it  produces coordinated eye, head and postural …

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Root Canal Treatment

You have probably heard of root canals but do you know what the procedure entails? The term “root canal” is enough to send most people running and screaming in the opposite direction.  Fear not because modern dentistry now provides a much different experience for patients. If you have ever experienced the kind of pain one can have when needing root …

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Get the Facts about Female Permanent Birth Control

By Joseph Gauta, MD, FACOG – When a couple has decided their family is complete there are several options for permanent birth control.  Permanent birth control provides protection against pregnancy so that you don’t have to worry about contraception methods such as the pill, IUDs or condoms.  There are currently two permanent birth control options available for women in the …

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Concept 10 10 – the future of exercise High Intensity Full Body Workout Just 20 Minutes A Week! …really? REALLY!!

By Jorgen Albrechtsen – Concept 10 10’s scientific approach to fitness lies within our unique equipment, trained staff and one of a kind concept. You will always experience a personal one on one approach. A personal trainer will set up the equipment prior to your arrival and be with you, one on one, supervising you through the entire workout, from …

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