Collier Edition

Neuropathy… breaking the cycle.

By Dr. Gopinath S. Sunil – Tingling. Numbness. Burning. Pain. If your feet and legs have any of these symptoms, you may have Neuropathy. Neuropathy is nerve damage found in the peripheral nervous system; which means that it affects nerves outside of the brain and spinal cord. This disorder is one of the complications of diabetes. 50 percent of people …

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Proven Knee Arthritis Treatment

By Physicians Rehabilitation – FDA Approved Treatment for Knee Arthritis Offered Locally Currently, an estimated 27 million people suffer from know osteoarthritis making it one of the most common causes of disability in the U.S. It is estimated by the year 2030, 72 million Americans will be at high risk for osteoarthritis. Patients with chronic joint pain often think nothing …

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May is Better Speech and Hearing Month

Our Speech Language Pathologists (SLP’s) love to celebrate Speech Therapy month by spreading the word about how WE can benefit YOU or your loved one. Speech Language Pathologists diagnose and treat a multitude of issues including swallowing difficulties, voice  disorders, lip and facial weakness, clarity of speech, and cognition (including memory, logical thinking/ reasoning, and problem solving). Here at Life …

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May is Mental Health Awareness Month – Your Health. Your Life

By Stacey Brown is Program Director of the Human Services Program at Edison State College School of Health Professions. She is also a Licensed Mental Health Therapist. We know that it is important to take care of ourselves in order to feel good, be healthy and function well as workers, parents, partners and contributing members of society.  We know that …

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Take Care of Your Joints!

May is Arthritis Awareness Month and with that comes the reminder to take care of our joints!  Joint health is important at any age.  While we may not think about it when we are younger, taking care of our joints and eating a healthy diet is important in preventing and managing arthritis. Exercise, as well as a healthy diet, is …

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C-reactive Protein (CRP) and Inflammation

By Yollo Wellness – Inflammation is part of the complex biological response of vascular tissues to harmful stimuli, such as pathogens, damaged cells, or irritants. Inflammation is the way your body responds to a problem. Whether battling an infection or cancer, or healing from a bone fracture, your body needs to deliver powerful immune and repair cells to the impaired …

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What Makes Wisdom Teeth So Smart?

We all know Wisdom Teeth as being those pesky teeth that need to be removed; the molars that always seem to “get impacted” and hamper us in our late teens. Why are they called wisdom teeth? Are they smarter than the other molars? They actually get their name, because they are usually the last adult teeth to grow in. Our …

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Got love handles or unwanted belly bulge? Have wrinkles or cellulite? Could your skin use a little bit of tightening?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, Swan Age Reversal Centers uses state-of-the-art technologies to help rid you of these troublesome areas. With the introduction of the Zerona (Cold Laser) and Venus Freeze contouring procedures, both of which are FDA-approved, clients can have their true shape revealed without the downtime, pain or bruising that is involved with traditional …

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A New Solution to an Old Problem

By Joseph Gauta, MD, FACOG – Many people suffer from an Overactive Bladder (OAB) and are desperate to find a solution. No one should have to experience the annoying and embarrassing problem of a constant need to use the toilet. While an Overactive Bladder can occur in both men and women, it generally affects women more often. The symptoms include …

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The Facts About BOTOX® Cosmetic

By Dr. Alexandra Konowal – BOTOX® Cosmetic is the first and only FDA-approved treatment indicated for the temporary improvement in the appearance of moderate to severe frown lines in adult patients aged 65 years or less. BOTOX® Cosmetic is a purified protein produced by the Clostridium botulimum bacterium. It works by temporarily reducing the contractions of the muscles that cause …

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