Collier Edition

Anxiety Disorders Effectively Treated Using Acupuncture

By Toni Eatros, MS, Dipl Ac, AP – Q:  I have anxiety most of the time and I think it is getting worse.  When I am under more stress than usual, my feelings can escalate into panic attacks.  I have even had to go to the emergency room in the past during one of these episodes because I couldn’t breathe …

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Turning Back The Hands Of Time

By Yollo Wellness – Today we are well aware that the key to a long and healthy life is good nutrition and an active lifestyle. The majority of people have been active throughout their lives, so they are not newcomers to the gym, the golf course, or physical activity. It’s natural that people would want to continue to be active …

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With Nadia A. Kazim, M.D., F.A.C.S. – Your eyes are usually one of the first things that people notice about you, as they are an extremely important aspect of your overall appearance.  Young eyelid skin is smooth, but over time, many people develop excess eyelid skin.  This usually occurs as the eyelid skin stretches and the surrounding fat bulges forward.  …

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Gum Lift Surgery for Gingival Recession Treatment

By Juan Teodoro, D.M.D. – Exposed tooth roots are the result of gum recession. Gum recession is a common dental problem found in nearly 15% of the adult population. There are many causes of gum recession, including periodontal disease, aggressive tooth brushing, anatomic susceptibility and tooth position. Other factors such as genetics and teeth grinding have been identified as contributors …

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Limb Swelling: A Search for New Treatments

By Alyssa Parker – Finding an effective treatment of leg edema is a challenge many physicians face. Chronic leg swelling that builds up overtime, is often indicative of a serious disorder, and may become disabling if left untreated. There are two types of leg edema venous insufficiency and lymphedema. Unfortunately, Lymphedema is under-recognized in most instances. For years lymphedema has …

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GMO’s and Our Health

We have been hearing a lot about GMO’s in the media lately, and for good reason. More and more people are becoming aware of the dangers to consuming foods containing these substances. But what exactly are they? GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organism. These substances are also sometimes referred to Genetically Engineered, or GE products. They are plants or animals …

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A Breath of Fresh Air

The Only Oxygen Bar in Lee and Collier County! In order to survive, people require a few key items; food, water, and of course oxygen. The atmosphere contains approximately 21% oxygen; which is an amount that sustains life. Did you realize that oxygen has been shown to have further benefits when we increase its intake? After learning this, you may …

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Promoting Positive Brain Health

By Dr. David B. Rawlings, PhD – – In this article, I would like to share with you some information in the literature that has been discussed in promoting good health, but also positive brain health maintenance. It has been suggested that we eat a low-fat diet. Since excess fat in the diet can play a key role in …

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Men! Looking for a new work out?

By Justin Lee – Some recent hot trends for losing weight and staying in shape are Zumba, Yoga, and Pilates. While these are all great workouts, they are mainly catered to a female demographic. Men are generally apprehensive about putting on a pair of yoga pants and contorting their body to the new Justin Timberlake song. Women tend to be …

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The Use of an Automated External Defibrillator: Is Your Community Association Immune From Civil Liability?

By Lauren S. Josephson, Esq. – Avast majority of community associations around the nation offer the use of certain health club facilities to their members unaware of the fact that people are 15 to 20 times more likely to die of sudden cardiac arrest during vigorous exercise, or within 30 minutes following it.1  Therefore, a community association offering the use …

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