Collier Edition

A New Solution to an Old Problem

By Joseph Gauta, MD, FACOG – Many people suffer from an Overactive Bladder (OAB) and are desperate to find a solution. No one should have to experience the annoying and embarrassing problem of a constant need to use the toilet. While an Overactive Bladder can occur in both men and women, it generally affects women more often. The symptoms include …

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Early Detection of Heart Disease!

Hung cancer is the #1 cancer killer in the United States. 222,520 people are expected to die from lung cancer Heart Disease is a well-known topic. However, when most people hear about it they assume it will never happen to them. They brush off the idea as someone else’s problem. The fact of the matter, however, is that heart disease …

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Safety at Home and Work

Richard Parfitt, Director of Public Safety – Who has not heard the adages ‘watch where you step’, ‘don’t talk to strangers’ and ‘don’t run with scissors’. Though sometimes funny, they have been passed down for generations to keep us and our children safe, but sometimes we forget or ignore these common sense warnings and others like them. In a similar …

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Dentophobia… What’s That?

By Justin Lee – There are many reasons that people use to avoid the dentist; busy schedule, previous “bad” experience, and outright fear… Yes, let’s be honest, studies show that around 75% of us have some sort of apprehension regarding a trip to see our friendly smile experts. This probably is not too shocking; considering that most people are not …

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National Men’s Health Month

June is the month all about the men in our lives!  Not only do we celebrate Father’s Day in June, but June is also National Men’s Health Month. It is a time when each man should take time to invest in their health. Each October there is always a push for breast cancer awareness and it seems as though everyone …

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What Your Orthopedic Surgeon Does Not Want You To Know…

An FDA Approved Treatment For Osteoarthritis That May Eliminate The Need For Total Knee Replacement Surgery By Physicians Rehabilitation – Osteoarthritis is one of the ten most disabling diseases in developed countries (WHO, 2012). Worldwide estimates are that 10% of men and 18% of women aged over 60 years have symptomatic osteoarthritis, including moderate and severe forms. It is estimated …

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Got love handles or unwanted belly bulge? Have wrinkles or cellulite? Could your skin use a little bit of tightening?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, Swan Age Reversal Centers uses state-of-the-art technologies to help rid you of these troublesome areas. With the introduction of the Zerona (Cold Laser) and Venus Freeze contouring procedures, both of which are FDA-approved, clients can have their true shape revealed without the downtime, pain or bruising that is involved with traditional …

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Eliminate Back Pain and Increase Strength in Only 20 Minutes a Week

By Concept 10 10 – A startling, 80 percent of adults will fall victim to low back pain at some point in their lives. It is the most common cause of disability for people before the age of forty-five, and second only to the common cold as a cause for a visit to the doctor. We must have a strong …

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The Discovery of Low-Level Laser Therapy

By LaDonna Roye, Hairstylist – In 1967 a Hungarian scientist studying the use of lasers discovered that visible red light may stimulate hair growth. The hair on the backs of the mice was shaved in the area that was to receive treatment. One group of mice received laser treatments while the others did not. The hair within the shaven area …

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Flip-Flop Fridays?

By Christopher M. Cole, L.Ped – In Southwest Florida, flip-flops are not just reserved for the Summertime or trips to the beach, they’re practically a year round wardrobe staple. Residents and visitors alike can be seen donning flip-flops in shopping malls, supermarkets, night clubs, restaurants and schools. The ever growing popularity of “Flip-Flop Fridays” has even made them acceptable in …

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