Collier Edition

July is Childhood Obesity Month

According to the Center’s for Disease Control and Prevention, childhood obesity has made drastic changes in the last thirty years.  The rate for children has doubled, and the rate for adolescents has quadrupled. With the changes both to our diets and how our daily lives are structured, this trend was expected.  Now that we’ve witnessed the changes, we must now …

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Parkinson’s Disease and The Importance of Exercise

By Todd D. Smith, MPT Every year many Americans make New Year’s resolutions for an increased commitment to exercise.  We do this because we understand the importance of exercise to maintain a healthy lifestyle.   For those diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, the importance of exercise is even more crucial because regular exercise with an exercise program designed to target symptoms of …

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Hormonal Fluctuations

Throughout a Woman’s Life Affects Many Tissues, Including their Gums. By Juan Teodoro, D.M.D. Women experience hormonal changes throughout different periods of their life.  They have specific health needs as they transition into puberty, menstruation cycle, pregnancy or menopause.  Women oral health needs also change at these times.  While women tend to take better care of their oral health than …

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Bleeding Gums May Indicate Serious Health Problems

New information and study results are reported daily on a variety of health care topics. The link between oral heath and overall health is no exception. For well over a decade the connection between oral hygiene and heart health has been examined and re-examined by dentists and doctors. While the experts work on pinpointing the science behind the connection, it …

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Amyvid PET Scan Detects Alzheimer’s Disease

Allowing early diagnosis and proper treatment Have you noticed a gradual decline in your memory over the past 12 months? Has this also been observed by someone close to you? If so, a new scan offered at Naples Diagnostic Imaging Center can shed some light on all of the uncertainty surrounding your concerns. A major advance in diagnosing Alzheimer’s disease …

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Alleviate Neck Pain with Acupuncture

By Toni Eatros, MS, Dipl Ac, AP Do you suffer from neck pain?  At the end of the day, is your neck stiff and sore? If so, I have good news for you. Acupuncture can alleviate the pain you are experiencing so you can get back to the activities that you enjoy.  Pain relief usually begins within minutes of the …

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Move Over Running, Indoor Cycling is the Better Choice!

Working out is the latest trend, as it should be. It improves endurance, and increases your muscle and bone health. For endurance, running and biking are generally known as the exercises of choice. These cardio workouts can decrease stress, and even prevent diseases. Lower blood pressure and immunity boosts have been found in people that vigorously work out, opposed to …

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July is UV Safety Month Skin Protection and Rejuvenation: More than Just Sunscreen!

By Kriston J. Kent, M.D., MPH July is UV Safety Month, and it is as important as ever to protect your skin from excessive exposure to the damaging effects of the sun via UV radiation.  However, if you want to truly maximize your protection from these invisible damaging rays, correct the damage as it occurs, and repair damage from exposure …

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Superfoods: What are they and how do I use them?

A Superfood is a food that has an extraordinary amount of nutrients in a small amount of it.  The term “Superfood” in the last few years has been very loosely used to describe normal vegetables such as broccoli. While yes, broccoli is very beneficial for you, it pails in comparison to my top favorite Superfoods listed below. Goji Berry: The …

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Concept 10 10 Scientifically Based and All About Results

By Jorgen Albrechtsen – Muscle: The Real Key to Burning Calories Most people believe that the key to lose body fat is to engage in physical activity as much as possible. Actually, this is far from true. You can jog for 3 hours and all you burn caloriewise equals a bite of a chocolate bar. Losing significant fat by exercising …

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