Collier Edition

Diabetes and Hair Loss

By LaDonna Roye, Hairstylist Do you know that hair loss can be a consequence of Diabetes? Most people know that people with diabetes, either type 1 or type 2, are more likely to have damage of the nerves, kidney, eyes, heart and blood vessels, but another result of diabetes may be hair loss. Diabetes can cause a hormonal imbalance in …

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Under the Table

By Blake W. Kirkpatrick Dogs must be a gift from God. Generally speaking, they love you unconditionally. They are loyal and always seem happy to greet you. In many cases, they will protect you from harm. They seem to have incredibly short term memories. They are often ignored until we need them or desire their companionship. They also seem to …

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Staying Healthy During Flu Season with Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine

By Toni Eatros, MS, Dipl Ac, AP It is that time of year again, flu season.  Our news is inundated with talk about virulent strains of viruses and bacteria.  Many people get the annual flu shot, and then cross their fingers and hope they do not catch the flu.  The good news is, you do not need to just leave …

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Is Your Head on Straight?

By Drs. Drew and Kanema Clark – Upper Cervical Care helps local woman that has been suffering with chronic neck pain, back pain, knee pain & extreme vertigo I am an athlete, constantly working out and playing tennis with a bad left knee and a bad back,” says Nancy. Although annoyed, she continued to press on despite her bad back …

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Popularity of TV Dance Shows Inspires New Interest in Ballroom Dancing

Ballroom and other dance styles have sashayed their way into living rooms across America with shows like ABC’s “Dancing with the Stars” inspiring many to put down the remote control and put on their dancing shoes. The popularity of ballroom and Latin dance has been growing since about 2000, and television dance shows have boosted – not created — this …

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Brain Balance of Naples, Coming Soon to the Shoppes of Vanderbilt:

The Brain Balance Achievement Centers opening soon in Naples, Florida, located in the Shoppes of Vanderbilt, is focused on ensuring the success of all students throughout their academic and social lives. The Brain Balance Program uses a drug free, whole-child approach that produces lasting results for children dealing with diagnoses such as ADHD, ADD, Dyslexia, Processing Disorders, high-functioning Autism, and …

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Early Planning Key To Selecting The Right Retirement Community

By Thom Braun Selecting the right senior living community is an important housing decision that involves more than simply choosing an apartment. It’s also about the community’s ability to provide a vibrant, active and engaging lifestyle, a key to successful aging. While you may not yet be certain when a move will be right for you, being proactive and beginning …

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Developing Discipline

By Dr. Ray Underwood Here’s a question for you: What is one thing in your life that you are not doing, that if you started doing on a regular basis would make a tremendous positive difference in your life? Here’s a follow-up question: why are you not doing it? Answer: most of us are not doing it because we lack …

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Diabetes and Gum Diseases It’s a Two-way Street

By Juan M. Teodoro, D.M.D. – Most diagnosed Diabetic patients are aware of the importance of regulating their blood sugar levels for the well-being of their body – from head to toe. Few Diabetic patients however, are aware of the oral complications associated with Diabetes.  Diabetic patients are at a greater risk of developing  periodontal disease and thus loosing teeth.  …

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By Amy Hartwell, MS OTR/L CLT Life-saving breast -cancer treatments including, but not limited to, the various forms of surgical interventions, sentinel lymph node and/or axillary lymph node dissection and other treatments such as radiation treatments may lead to an impaired functioning of the lymphatic system with resultant secondary symptoms including a diagnosis of Lymphedema.  When the lymphatic system is …

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