Collier Edition

The Facts About Blade-Free LASIK

By Dr. Alexandra Konowal – Are You Looking For Added Customization For Your LASIK Procedure? Blade-Free LASIK Might Be Your Best Surgery Option. Blade-free LASIK, an all-laser vision correction using IntraLase technology, is the latest advancement in laser vision correction. With it, patients now have the option to choose an all-laser approach to their LASIK procedure without the use of …

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An Evolving Future of Disease

By Patrick R. Handley, EMS Clinical Coordinator, Florida SouthWestern State College, Charlotte Campus Ebola has been an extremely hot topic in the news during the last month.  The media loves to sensationalize just about every hot topic that enters the forefront of our minds.  Is Ebola another over-sensationalized topic?  Or is there merit to the perceived concerns to this “emerging” …

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Snoring or Sleep Apnea?

We probably all know someone who snores. Who can forget the rumbling, tumbling, and even gasping sounds in the middle of the night? Snoring is something that can contribute to many problems for sufferers, the effects can even last into the next day. There are various reasons why we snore, and why it is more common among men. There is …

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The Problem with Self Diagnoses; Bipolar, or just ticked off?

Guest Editorial Submitted By: Scott Haltzman, M.D. David Lawrence Center Senior Psychiatrist, Adult Outpatient Services A client, we will call her Sara for the purposes of this article, had a specific concern when she came into my psychiatric office. She was certain she had identified her diagnosis: “Doctor, I know I’m bipolar…my brothers and mother tell me that’s the case …

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Concept 10 10 – Scientifically Based and All About Results

By Jorgen Albrechtsen – Muscle: The Real Key to Burning Calories Most people believe that the key to lose body fat is to engage in physical activity as much as possible. Actually, this is far from true. You can jog for 3 hours and all you burn caloriewise equals a bite of a chocolate bar. Losing significant fat by exercising …

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Salads: Tasty Options for Diabetics

Whether it’s a business meeting over lunch, dinner from a neighborhood carry out, or a fast-food meal with the kids, eating out is a part of our lives. We eat out because it’s easy, it’s quick, and it’s fun. But is it healthy? Currently doctors know that high blood glucose levels accelerate aging thus damage to the eyes, kidneys and …

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Type 2 Diabetes Epidemic: Should we treat the symptoms, or should we treat the cause?

By Kriston J. Kent, M.D., MPH Type 2 Diabetes, formerly known as the Adult Onset Diabetes (because it almost never occurred before adulthood), is now occurring in epidemic proportions in the US, and in many areas throughout the world.  Genes almost certainly play a role in the predisposition to type 2 Diabetes.  However, it is equally clear that those who …

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The latest findings on the connection between Hearing Loss and Cognitive Function will be discussed in Bonita Springs, Fort Myers and Naples: “Is it my MEMORY…or is it my HEARING?” Does your loved one constantly forget items that you know you’ve discussed with them, or is it possible that they didn’t actually hear the message correctly? This question has been …

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Cardiac PET Announcement – Collier County Take Heart: The most advanced noninvasive nuclear stress test of the heart has arrived–Cardiac PET.

What does the James J Buonavolonta M.D.,PA–Cardiac Imaging/Cardiac PET Center have in common with the top 10 hospitals in America including Johns Hopkins Hospital, Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, Massachusetts General Hospital, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Duke University Medical Center, Hospital of University of Pennsylvania, Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, and the New York Presbyterian University Hospital of Columbia and Cornell?  …

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Learn What Hospice Care Really Means to Patients and their Families

Submitted by Avow What makes a good death? This is a question that many people prefer not to think about in their day-to-day lives. However, for patients facing an uncertain future, it is an extremely relevant reality. The answer can vary from person to person, depending on individual personalities, interests and desires. However, for most people, a good death is …

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