Collier Edition


By Robert Gilliland DC, BCIM, D.PSc Do you have an enlarged prostate (BPH) and/or erectile dysfunction (ED)? Has your doctor told you that drugs and surgery are your only options? What if I told you that there is a therapy that has been shown in recent studies to reduce the symptoms of BPH and ED in as little as 3 …

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New Years Resolutions

It’s that time of year again to be ending 2015, and writing your New Years Resolution Lists. First review last years list – did your exercise program last until March and did your new diet give way by Valentine’s Day? Optimal health and fitness is always one of our priorities.  Then look at what resolutions didn’t hold true. Look to …

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How to Retire Healthy & Wealthy

Don’t miss this FREE two hour community event organized by Futurity First. Come and meet the local professionals that can help you with your health and financial needs today, or help you plan for your future. This event is open to the public and you will hear presentations on some of these timely and important issues: AMADA Senior Care – …

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The Affordable Care Act

By Carol DiNicolantonio R.Ph. The Affordable Care Act or better know as “Obamacare” is score carding your physician.  This means that his/her patients have to show medical improvements and show that they are complying with their medications. • Is your physician threatening to drop you as a patient if you do not improve? • Are you taking your medications as …

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Resolutions You’ll Want to Keep This Year

Is eating healthier one of your New Year’s resolutions? Following a fad diet, or being overly restrictive, will not help you or your family achieve health goals. Healthy eating does not mean boring, tasteless foods. In fact, eating healthy is quite tasty and is fortunately becoming more and more convenient! Try these simple yet sensible steps that will help you …

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A Natural Approach to Healing America’s Increasing Health Problems

By Drs. Drew and Kanema Clark There is a monumental health care crisis in this country, but it’s not what you might suspect.  It’s not socialized medicine, insurance coverage or prescription drugs.  The real health care crisis is the failure to emphasize the prevention of disease instead of the treatment of disease.  Until we change our focus, we will forever …

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Fertility – How Acupuncture Helps

By Toni Eatros, MS, Dipl Ac, AP More and more we hear about couples having difficulty conceiving a baby.  The causes of this are many and the numerous medical treatment options can be overwhelming.   The treatment of infertility with acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) dates back 2000 years.  These ancient, time-tested techniques improve fertility rates and support a woman’s …

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Protecting Your Interests When Buying or Selling By C. Lane Wood YOUR HOME IS A VALUABLE ASSET.  So is your attorney. Although many people will be happy to inject their opinion, an attorney is the only one qualified to give you legal advice,  and legal advice is just what you need when you’re buying or selling a home.  The truth …

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New Year, New You: Resolve to Make 2015 a Year of Change.

By Thom Braun The New Year offers a new opportunity to reflect on your resolutions and achieve your goals. According to a survey completed by older adults, the following five resolutions were cited most frequently: 1.    Stay Fit and Healthy Studies have shown that regular exercise and staying physically active provides many health benefits. Even moderate exercise and physical activity …

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The Benefits of Massage Therapy for Athletes

Whether you’re working out a few times a week to stay in shape or training for a marathon, massage therapy sessions from Massage Envy Spa should be part of your regimen. Massage Envy offers sports massage therapy geared toward athletes of every kind, from world-class professionals to weekend joggers. Each massage is tailored to the individual’s specific needs, and focus …

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