Collier Edition

Nonsurgical Facelifting: Major Facial Rejuvenation without Surgery

By Kriston J. Kent, M.D., MPH Traditionally, the term “facelift” referred to a surgical procedure to correct sagging facial and neck tissues.  More recently, with the rapidly advancing development of new rejuvenation modalities, facelift is most commonly used to refer to any procedure which addresses and improves facial aging. Likewise, it has been increasingly obvious to specialists in facial rejuvenation …

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Crossroads at David Lawrence Center inspires hope, changes lives through improved addiction services

By Mary Ann Guerra, RN – Program Director of Crossroads at David Lawrence Center One in nine Collier County residents experience some form of substance abuse. Unfortunately, the impact of this crippling disease is far reaching and affects family, friends, employers, healthcare professionals and society as a whole. In 2009 alone there were approximately 2.1 million emergency room visits related …

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5 Ways to Keep Your Wellness Resolution Alive All Year

It happens every year – you overeat around the holidays, you feel bad about it and you make a New Year’s resolution to get in shape.  The problem is, many people who make that resolution fall short before Spring even hits.  This year, resolve to stick to your resolution! It’s not easy to do it alone but it can be …

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Weighing in the New Year

By Janet Calderwood, RD, CSG, LD/N 2015 is here!  For millions of Americans, weight loss is once again, at the very top of the New Year’s resolution list.  Truthfully, the majority of us can afford to lose some amount.   The other day, I came across a cartoon by Marty Bucella which I found to be rather comical.  Two ladies were …

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Treating an injury: RICE versus MEAT

By Caring Medical and Rehabilitation Services Have you sustained an injury due to sports or overuse? Did you immediately reach for a bag of ice only to find that weeks later you are still icing the injury but not feeling better? The reason is simple. In addition to other steps of the well-known RICE protocol, ice is not an effective …

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The Best Resolutions Include Health Screenings Focus on Prevention and Early Detection in 2015

If you are like most Americans making resolutions for better health in 2015, scheduling health screenings is a very good place to start. Health screenings can save lives. Early detection for diseases, such as colon, breast and cervical cancer can improve prognosis dramatically. Screenings to test for diseases, such as high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease should also all …

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New Years Resolution: To Treat My Body With Gold Standards…

“Let Food Be Thy Medicine” was once said by Hippocrates. This could be a double edge sword. Spirulina, maca root, grass fed meats, non GMO all sound good but they may actually be causing you more harm than good this year. Wouldn’t you like to know if you are actually “eating right” like you are boasting about to your friends? …

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Losing Fat

By Jorgen Albrechtsen Conventional wisdom would decree: “Eat less and exercise more and you get the lean, healthy body you have dreamed of.” However, this is not really the case and here is why: When you eat fewer calories than you require to meet your body´s energy needs, your body turns to its fuel stores – body fat and stored …

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Not ready to move? We are your Solution!

By Bruce Rosenblatt For many people, the thought of moving to a retirement community is beyond anything they would ever consider.  Uprooting yourself from your home and moving to new surroundings becomes so overwhelming, that the majority of people elect to stay at home and bring in services. This might seem like the easy solution, however there are a number …

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Urinary Incontinence in Women – You don’t have to depend on Depends

By Joseph Gauta, MD, FACOG Millions of women experience involuntary loss of urine called urinary incontinence (UI). Some women may lose a few drops of urine while running or coughing. Others may feel a strong, sudden urge to urinate just before losing a large amount of urine. Many women experience both symptoms. UI can be slightly bothersome or totally debilitating. …

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