Collier Edition

Cardio Vascular Health Indictors for better outcomes, decreased morbidity and death.

By Carol DiNicolantonio R.Ph. The Framingham score assesses a patient’s risk of a coronary heart disease (CHD) event (like fatal or nonfatal MI) over 10 years.  The Framingham underestimates the life time risk especially in the youth and in women. In people with CMR (cardio metabolic risk) defined by lipoprotein abnormalities; increased Triglycerides (TG),  low High Density Lipoproteins (HDL) and …

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Therapy Spotlight Kinesio Taping: It’s not just for athletes!

By Lindsey Hornbeck, DPT When watching the latest sporting event, you may have noticed a product called Kinesio Tape on your favorite professional athlete.  Well here is the good news! Kinesio tape is not just for athletes. The Kinesio Taping Method can be used on almost everybody.  When combined with other therapies and treatment techniques, Kinesio tape can allow for …

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By Rebecca M. Vaccariello Sometimes the litigation process seems to be analogous to war or a battlefield. There are many different things that motivate clients to file a lawsuit. There are some cases where it appears the plaintiff is looking to bankrupt the other side. Other cases involve commencing a suit to gain a perceived advantage in being first to …

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Losing Fat

By Jorgen Albrechtsen Conventional wisdom would decree: “Eat less and exercise more and you get the lean, healthy body you have dreamed of.” However, this is not really the case and here is why: When you eat fewer calories than you require to meet your body´s energy needs, your body turns to its fuel stores – body fat and stored …

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Stay Married To Your Sweetheart

By Alex Anderson, Senior Associate Pastor at Bayside Community Church In the 2002 movie Cast Away, Tom Hanks plays the character Chuck Noland, an extremely punctual FedEx executive whose plane crashes during a storm over the Pacific Ocean. He becomes the sole survivor and washes ashore on an uninhabited island. The thing that’s most moving to me is his motivation …

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SHOULDER INSTABILITY and its Link to Sports Injuries and Arthritis

Popular sports in south Florida, like tennis, golf, and swimming, require a delicate balance of shoulder mobility and stability in order to meet the demands of the sport. The way shoulder pain is addressed can mean the difference between a good game and a great game, or having to give up the game all together. SHOULDER MOBILITY HOW MUCH IS TOO …

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Recovering with Confidence

By LaDonna Roye, Hairstylist – Recover with Confidence, a nationwide group of dedicated hair loss professionals provides products and services to women who have been afflicted with hair loss due to cancer and other medical reasons. LaDonna Roye Hairstylist is proud to be its local partner and provider in offering patients individualized products and support to aid in their recovery …

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The Lunchtime Facelift

If you are one of the 72 million plus Baby Boomers out there, you are beginning to experience some new challenges in the quest to remain youthful. Baby Boomers are the first generation to focus on and understand the value of exercise and diet to keep our bodies healthy for the upcoming golden years. We have exercised and dieted ourselves …

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Varicose and Spider Veins

What you need to know? By Dr. John P. Landi, MD, FACS, RPVI, RPhS, Diplomate of The American Board of Phlebology – Varicose veins and spider veins are very common problems affecting over thirty million people throughout the United States. Varicose veins are large and ropey in appearance and usually appear as bulging in the leg anywhere from the thigh to …

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Get Healthy, Wealthy, Wise – and Squeaky Clean

Because it can be so difficult to keep a house clean, it can be tempting to cut corners or just not clean once in a while. But that thinking assumes the most important reasons to clean are either: . Aesthetic – a clean home is pleasing to the senses, or . Social – people respect or like you more if …

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