Collier Edition

“You are what you eat.”

You most likely first heard that phrase from your mother when she wanted you to eat your broccoli on your dinner plate. She meant that choosing foods high in nutrients would keep you healthy and serve as a preventive measure against disease. Mom had it right. Food is preventive medicine. Yet, in the past fifty years, advancements in technology and …

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Staying Young at Heart Key to Longevity

By Thom Braun The well-known adage, “you’re as young as you feel”, now has the support of medical science. A recent study has found that seniors who reported they felt three or more years younger than their actual age lived longer than their counterparts who felt their full age or older. The research was published in the journal, JAMA Internal …

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Research and Education Lead to Heart Health Transformation

As we enter Heart Month, most of us are aware that cardiovascular disease (CVD) – heart disease, stroke and high blood pressure – is the leading cause of death in the US and that diet, exercise and other lifestyle factors help individuals establish and maintain heart health. But, too many of us don’t know the details within these facts. For …

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SaladWORKS… …packed with nutrients and great tastes, salads can improve heart health

Leafy green vegetables are all the rage. You know salad has arrived when you see it on the menu of almost every fast-food restaurant. Why has it joined the ranks of the most popular meal items? There are many theories as to why salads have gained popularity, but it could be as simple as self-preservation: Salads can make us live …

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Exceptional Care for Your Beloved

Once you have determined that your elderly loved one needs assistance, it is important to honor their wish to remain happy and independent in their own home. But for your own peace of mind, you need to know that they are completely safe and cared for in all situations. When it comes to getting quality home health care, take advantage …

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By Anna M. Avola, D.M.D., M.S. Many diseases associated with aging have symptoms that appear in the oral cavity.  Through regular geriatric dental care, a dentist can find evidence of conditions such as anemia, diabetes, osteoporosis or arthritis.  However, people with heart disease have special needs when it comes to dental care. If someone has suffered from a heart attack, …

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National Children’s Dental Health Month

It’s that time of year again! February is designated as National Children’s Dental Health Month (NCDHM). It is a time when emphasis is placed on promoting children’s oral health. Tooth decay is the most common chronic childhood disease according to the Academy of Pediatric Dentists. It is five times more common than asthma, four times more common than early childhood …

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Your Questions About Auricular Medicine (Ear Acupuncture) Answered

By Toni Eatros, MS, Dipl Ac, AP I have had an influx of questions about the Auricular Medicine (using the ears to diagnose and treat the entire body) article that I wrote in the December 2014 issue of the SW Florida Health & Wellness Magazine.  That article can be found here, treating-entire-body-12/.  Many of the questions were the same, …

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Muscle Activation Techniques – What It Is & How It Will Help Me?

By Jay Weitzner, MS, MATs, RTS Have you ever wondered why you go for a run and only one knee hurts?  Or why you take a yoga or Pilates class and strain one shoulder or one side and not the other?   How about going about your daily activities and over time just one foot hurts?  Maybe you’re a golfer or …

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Give the gift of dance!

Valentine’s Day is here, with love and hearts everywhere you look. What better way to combine the two than with dance! Dancing is an excellent activity for promoting heart health. Ballroom dancing provides a great cardio workout for individuals of all levels of physical ability, from a slow and steady Waltz to a fast paced Salsa. Through dance, you can …

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