Collier Edition

Tired of Not Sleeping?

Sleep, especially REM sleep, plays a vital role in good health and well-being throughout your life. Getting enough quality sleep at the right times can help protect your mental health, physical health, quality of life, and safety.  REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep is a very important part of our sleeping pattern. This stage of sleep is the most important phase …

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Don’t Let Incontinence Interfere with Your Sex Life

By Joseph Gauta, MD, FACOG Thanks to modern technology and treatment options, you don’t have to let loss of bladder control interfere with your life any longer. With proper treatment you will no longer spend time planning the fastest route to the nearest restroom in hopes of avoiding an accident. Not only can incontinence sabotage your daily activities, it can …

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Get a Colonoscopy, but…

By Zorayda “Jiji” Torres, MD Colorectal cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths in this country. The most definitive way to diagnose it is through a colonoscopy, by Age 50 years, or sooner if you have family history, or other diagnosis like inflammatory bowel disease, or symptoms like a change in bowel habits, etc. It is good …

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Geriatric Massage Brings Relief from Arthritis and Provides Other Benefits

Geriatric massage consists of specific training and techniques designed to maximize the benefits of massage for the elderly population. This highly-effective type of massage therapy provides not just the well-known benefits massage offers to every client, such as relief of muscle pain and stress, but it also has specific benefits for the elderly population. Geriatric massage therapy uses the gentle …

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Recover with Confidence

By LaDonna Roye, Hairstylist Each week our Recover with Confidence Salon sees several women seeking options to camouflage medically related hair loss. The reasons for their loss include chemotherapy, radiation, alopecia, thyroid issues, medications, hormonal imbalances, vitamin deficiencies, stress and trichotillomania a hair pulling disorder. Many of these women are young, others… young at heart. Although there are several options …

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Spring (Change) is in the Air

By Brent Myers Spring ushers in a new season. It signals the end of “winter” and the beginning of something new. Spring brings new flowers, warmer temperatures, greener grass, and another baseball season. Spring also brings another ritual for many people: cleaning. Yep – good ol’ fashioned spring cleaning. “Out with the old and in with the new.” Perhaps this …

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Community Partnerships the Key to Success

By Dr. Robert R. Jones For any community-based organization, your success is only as strong as the relationships you build. At Florida SouthWestern State College (FSW), we strive to provide high-quality, low-cost educational opportunities, programs and services for our students. Often, this is only possible through the partnerships we share with other community-based organizations. The numerous partnerships FSW has established …

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Stem Cells Take Center Stage

By David Ebner, Staff Writer The world will never forget the fate-filled day when four young men from Liverpool, England walked onto the stage of The Ed  Sullivan Show in 1964. The bright stage lights and the squeals from the crowd rained down on the smiling group, and that grainy black and white image was pinned as a moment of …

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I found it — The Secret to Anti-Aging!

My cholesterol dropped by 73 points in 1 month, my husband’s morning blood sugar level dropped from 200 to 113 in 3 months, and we are feeling and looking so much YOUNGER! A few months ago, my husband’s blood sugars were out of control after years of controlling it with diet. And his skin had taken on a yellowish-grey pallor… …

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James E. Croley III, M.D. Provides ‘Instant Vision’ Cataract Removal

If you or someone you know is experiencing reduced vision including a blurry focus on objects regardless of distance, or complain of glare, particularly at night with oncoming traffic lights or street lamps for example, then a cataract in one or both eyes may be the cause. The symptoms will not improve without corrective treatment and only the best treatment …

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