Collier Edition

Bacteria in your gut: How are they good for you?

By:  Corey Howard, MD, FACP Did you know there are over 2 ½ pounds of bacteria inside of your intestinal tract?  Yes, that’s right, over 2 ½ pounds!  These bacteria play a vital role in the health of your intestinal tract and your health overall as well.  The vast majority of your immune system presides in the gastrointestinal tract and …

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Balanced Nutrition Key to Maintaining Optimal Health

By Thom Braun March is National Nutrition Month and this year’s theme is “Bite into a Healthy Lifestyle”. Created by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, the campaign was formed to focus attention on the importance of making informed food choices and developing sound eating and physical activity habits. For older adults, good nutrition is especially important. As we age, …

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10 Reasons to Enjoy a Daily Salad

Incorporating the frequent salad into your diet is very beneficial to anyone’s health. Fortunately, nowadays it seems that everyone is a little health-conscious and strives to be healthier in one way or another. Well, eating salads to increase your health is a no-brainer and it’s super easy to find at any local restaurant or super market. So, what are the …

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Fertility and Chiropractic Care?

Many women who experience uterine fibroids, endometriosis, painful periods, or infertility aren’t aware that their problem may be linked to an imbalance within their nervous system and that chiropractic care can improve symptoms. At first glance it might not be easy to see the connection between the spine and the female system. A woman does not necessarily have to have …

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Muscle Activation TechniquES What it is and is MAT for me?

By Jay Weitzner, MS, MATs, RTS In the February issue of Health & Wellness we described what MAT is.  We explained how when you participate in activities with both legs only one leg may hurt.  We spoke about how symptoms are nothing more than evidence that something else is wrong.  A symptom, after all, can only exist if something causes …

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RINGING EARS? Finally there is HELP!

By John Hoglund, BC-HIS, ACA There are between 25 and 50 million Americans are plagued with a condition that is imperceptible to other people. They look normal, but they are suffering with a problem that is a constant frustration and irritation. Tinnitus can lead to sleep deprivation which can dramatically impact quality of life for those with severe tinnitus symptoms.  …

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Put Your Dental Health On A Diet, too!

By Anna M. Avola, D.M.D., M.S. We all love to eat! What can be better than a meal shared with family and good friends. Enjoying what you’re eating involves both a sense of taste and smell, as well as chewing. But what you eat is even more important especially as you age. We all know that calcium and vitamin D …

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“The Silver Tsunami is Here”

No one welcomes a “tsunami”, but North America is experiencing a rapidly raising tide of senior citizens never before seen in our history.  Current demographics indicate that for the next 20 years, as many as 10,000 citizens will be reaching age 65 each day in the U.S.   Additionally, news media reported this week that life expectancy in the U.S. rose …

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It’s a Lifestyle

March is National Nutrition Awareness month, and nutrition is an integral part of a dancer’s lifestyle. A properly structured diet is important to a dancer for providing enough energy to perform at peak ability during a competition, as well as maintaining a healthy weight. Understanding what the body requires for proper performance allows the individual make better decisions when planning …

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By Andrew S. Bennett Every condominium in Florida is governed by its own unique guidelines and requirements which are outlined in its condominium documents. “Condominium documents” (also referred to as “governing documents”) consist of three or four specific documents, namely: 1) the declaration of condominium; 2) the articles of incorporation; 3) the bylaws; and 4) the rules and regulations. While …

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