Collier Edition

Stem Cells: Helping Veterans Fight Lung Disease

By David Ebner, Staff Writer As they stormed Omaha Beach in Normandy and scurried across the decks of destroyers and aircraft carriers, they weren’t thinking about their health. When they enlisted, they weren’t looking for a job; they were answering a call. Memorial Day and the Fourth of July are holidays designed to remember the men and women of the …

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Men’s Health At Every Age

Men’s health month might kick-start you to do a few more sit-ups, maybe visit the doc or even get the prostate exam you’ve been putting off.  But let’s face it, much like New Year’s Resolutions, your good intentions set forth during June will probably lessen by the 4th of July.  So let’s look at health as less of a daily …

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By:  Corey Howard, MD, FACP The testosterone boom is on and you need to know a few things before you decide to jump in.  The questions to ask are:   Is it right for me?  What kind of specialized training and certifications does my doctor have for hormone therapy?  Are there natural ways to increase testosterone? What are some other labs …

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How Vestibular Therapy Can Benefit the Whole Person

By Chris Simeone, OTR/L, Certified Vestibular Therapist, American Institute of Balance Human equilibrium is the result of several complex systems working together. We “absorb” information to maintain our equilibrium through three main channels: the eyes (vision), the ears (vestibular) and the feet (somatoscensory).  The brain compares this incoming information. In split seconds it  produces coordinated eye, head and postural changes …

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Written by, Christi L Bryant, Realtor with Assist Seniors Group with Keller Williams “There’s no place like home, there’s no place like home, there’s no place like home.” How true are those famous words from so long ago?  Dorothy was right, NOTHING is like home.  For many of us, home is our safe-haven, sanctuary, largest or only investment, and pride …

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Hair Loss Caused by Thyroid Issues

By LaDonna Roye, Hairstylist At LaDonna Roye Hairstylists, one type of hair loss we frequently see is a result of thyroid issues. Thyroid related hair loss includes general thinning of the hair, especially noticeable on top of the head, and texture change, from soft and shiny to coarse, dull and brittle. In its early stages many clients believe it is …

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Cocktails For Your Face!

By Yollo Wellness The Dermapen™ is now widely recognized as the Gold Standard in micro needling technology. With 7,000 Dermapen™ Clinics and 30+ distributors throughout the world, The Dermapen™ has taken on a life and an identity of its own. Thanks to consistently positive real-world results, the Dermapen™ has won multiple awards and has become one of the most trusted …

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Why People REALLY Go to the Doctor and Why Acupuncture is a Surprising Alternative

By Toni Eatros, MS, Dipl Ac, AP The most common reasons that people in the U.S. go to the doctor may surprise you.  You may also be surprised that Acupuncture offers a great complementary or alternative treatment approach to every one of these disorders. 1.    Skin disorders: Acne, eczema, and sebaceous cysts topped the list and brought the most men …

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Muscle Activation Techniques What it is & How it will Help You This Month: Pick a joint…Any joint.

By Jay Weitzner, MS, MATs, RTS Did you pick one?  Pick one that doesn’t move like you want it to.  Maybe you can’t raise your right shoulder as high as your left.  Maybe you can’t twist or bend to one side as well as the other.  How about your knee or hip?  Can you bend one more than the other?  …

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Reduce the Risk of Falls at Home

By First Light Home Care “I have fallen and cannot get up!”    We all have heard this line over the years with a slight chuckle based on its origin back in the 80’s and 90’s.   Life Alert was the commercial that made us all aware of being safe at home.  Is this the best solution or does it give …

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