Collier Edition

Diagnostic Imaging Services for Accurate Pain Diagnosis

In recent years, there have been tremendous ad-vances in understanding the pathophysiology and mechanisms of pain; concurrently, there have been enormous advances in diagnostic imaging. Diagnostic imaging is an essential tool for the pain practitioner, who uses it to understand, diagnose, and treat pain. Although plain x-rays remain the mainstay of diagnostic imaging, advanced modalities including computed tomography (CT), magnetic …

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An Epidemic of Excess: childhood obesity

Obesity is the number one health concern in the United States  and now we have allowed it to spill over to our children.  About one and three children and teens in the United States is overweight or obese.  Unfortunately overweight children now have about  a 75% chance of staying over weight their entire life. We know that there is an …

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Healthy Eating for Today’s Youth

By Meredith McLean, Youth & Teen Coordinator for the Greater Naples YMCA As we look around at today’s youth we can see that many of our children are overweight and Florida is no exception to this growing trend.  Currently 27.5 percent of youth in Florida are overweight or obese according to Child Health Data. Obese children are more likely to …

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Natalie’s Skin Solutions

More than half of all new cancers are skin cancers. More than one million people  will  be  diagnosed with skin cancer this year. One in five Americans will get skin cancer in the course of a lifetime. More than 90% of all skin cancers are caused by sun exposure, yet fewer than 33% of adults, adolescents and children routinely use …

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The Physical Therapy Team at Life Care Center of Estero is Here to Exceed Your Healthcare Expectations!

By By Julie Myers-Buczynski, DPT Life Care Center of Estero Our physical therapists and our entire interdisciplinary team have a shared goal of exceeding our patient’s healthcare expectations. By implementing evidence based practices we can help improve mobility and motion, manage pain without long-term use of medications, and provide a conservative option to surgery, all to promote happier and healthier …

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July is Sun Safety Month

By Cyndi Yag-Howard, MD, FAAD In July, special attention is given to sun protection.  However, as a dermatologist in sunny Naples, Florida, where I diagnose and treat skin cancer daily, I think every month should be sun safety month.  Sun exposure is the primary cause of skin cancer, which affects nearly 5 million people in the United States every year.  …

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What is Dry Eye Disease?

By Jonathan M. Frantz, MD, FACS One of the most common clinical challenges faced in eye care is dry eye. Dry Eye Disease affects approximately 40 million people in the U.S. and less than 5 percent of the DED patient population has been diagnosed and is being treated, according to Healthcare Maintenance Organization’s data. The lacrimal glands, located behind the …

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Technology is taking a toll on your body – Massage therapy can ease the pain of technology-related discomfort and prevent future damage

Most people have had the unpleasant experience of dealing with pain. Regardless of the cause or condition, all individuals are seeking the same goal: relief. Massage therapy can ease the tension of pain and provide relief for a variety of conditions. A common source of pain in the upper and lower back, neck, shoulders and wrists can be attributed to …

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Alzheimer’s Disease: Caring for a Loved One

By First Light Home Care Did you know that 1 in 9 people ages 65 and older has Alzheimer’s disease? Worldwide, 47 million people are living with Alzheimer’s and other dementias and behind every person fighting this disease is a family member and caregiver battling it too. Caregivers and family members living alongside a person with Alzheimer’s also need to …

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Hidden Causes of Chronic Pain

By Zorayda “Jiji” Torres MD, ABIHM, IFMCP Board Certified, Internal Medicine Certified Practitioner, Inst. For Functional Medicine Pain is one of the top reasons a patient seeks medical help. Pain is a protective reaction of the body that alerts us when something is not right. Pain is one of the manifestations of inflammation, along with redness, heat, and swelling. Causes …

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