Collier Edition

Sarah Greeley

Founder/Owner  of Lifestyle Enrichment Services Sarah Greeley founded Lifestyle Enrichment services with the intention to provide Lifestyle Enrichment Services to those who desire more Freedom in their lifestyle.  Sarah has a passion for creating a positive healthy path in the world, thus inspiring others to live their best life ever. Sarah’s Yoga Teaching Style is calm, relaxing, and fun.  Sarah …

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August is Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month

Children’s Eye Health is an obvious growing concern for the developing child.  I see many young children wearing eyeglasses these days. Living here in the sunshine state we can try to prevent eye damage by protecting the eyes from the bright sunshine.  Whether this is in the form of a hat or sunglasses, use common sense when selecting items to …

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By Justin Long, Director of Housing and Residence Life at Florida SouthWestern State College As many people enter college, they are filled with excitement and anticipation for the new adventure they are about to embark on. When thinking back of their college years, most recall the memories they made with friends, roommates, professors and more.  However one memory no one …

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As the elderly population expands, so do age-related orthopedic disorders. This is of particular concern in the field of shoulder pathology, as both osteoarthritis and rotator cuff disease are degenerative conditions that increase in the aging population. Arthritis is a debilitating and painful condition that affects many people of all ages and all parts of the body. (In concern) People …

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Natural Alternative Relief for Autism Spectrum Disorder Symptoms

By Drs. Drew and Kanema Clark We are in the middle of a global Autism Spectrum Disorder epidemic. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that 1 in 68 children in the United States has been identified with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Numerous theories have been given as to why the world is encountering such an aggressive rise …

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Working Together to Protect Our Community from Vaccine-Preventable Diseases

By Tamara K Robison, DDS, MBA, PA, Board Certified Pediatric Dentist – Naples and Marco Island The recent rise in vaccine-preventable diseases is a cause for real concern among healthcare providers and parents. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported over 600 new cases of measles in the United States in 2014. Between January 2015 and April 2015, 166 …

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Aging in Place – Safety Modifications to Your Home

A term or concept that is becoming more and more popular these days is “aging in place” – being able to stay in one’s homes as one grows older. Most likely the aging of a large group of baby boomers has a lot to do with this. More and more people are concerned about their ability to live comfortably in …

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Accepting Assistance is the Key to Remaining Independent Home Care can also provide valuable respite time for family caregivers

By First Light Home Care Remaining independent doesn’t mean you have to do everything yourself. Knowing your limitations and when to ask for help is often the key to prevent injury and maintain your quality of life as you age. Repeated surveys show seniors prefer to remain at home and age in place. Most people prefer to live in their …

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Get Relief from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Using Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine

By Toni Eatros, MS, Dipl Ac, AP What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)? Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a condition in which the median nerve in the arm/wrist becomes irritated and swells, usually due to repetitive motion.  As the nerve swells, it causes pressure in the carpal (wrist) tunnel.  This increased pressure then further irritates the median nerve.  This causes more …

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Get a Colonoscopy, but…

By Zorayda “Jiji” Torres, MD Colorectal cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths in this country. The most definitive way to diagnose it is through a colonoscopy, by Age 50 years, or sooner if you have family history, or other diagnosis like inflammatory bowel disease, or symptoms like a change in bowel habits, etc. It is good …

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