Collier Edition

Life Care Center of Estero Earns 5 out of 5 Stars

Life Care Center of Estero is pleased to announce earning 5 Stars with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) quality rating system. In 2008 CMS developed a star rating for skilled nursing facilities to help consumers make informed decisions regarding healthcare facilities in their area ( The classification system looks at health inspections, staffing ratios (nursing and support …

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Safety Tips For Leaving Your Home Alone When You Travel

The holidays are upon us. All across America, people are about to go — or are already on — vacation. That, of course, leaves houses behind. Is your home safe when you’re not around? Do you travel with a false sense of security after discontinuing your newspapers and arranging to have your lawn mowed while you are away? Take a …

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Osteoarthritis: A Pervasive and Painful Joint Condition

Find Relief with Prolotherapy By Debra K. Brinker, RN Osteoarthritis is a debilitating joint condition that affects people around the world. In fact, it is the most common joint disease globally. Since it is so vast and pervasive, symptomatic osteoarthritis (OA) causes substantial physical and psychosocial disability. OA limits millions of people in their daily activities due to its characteristic …

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Oxygen, Alkalinity and Your Health

By Yollo Wellness The most important factor in creating proper pH is increasing oxygen because no wastes or toxins can leave the body without first combining with oxygen. The more alkaline you are, the more oxygen your fluids can hold and keep. Oxygen also buffers/oxidizes metabolic waste acids helping to keep you more alkaline. “The Secret of Life is both …

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“Medical Breakthrough Has Changed Lives For Those Suffering From Back Pain… Without Drugs or Surgery!”

For a limited time experience this medical marvel for FREE as part of an exclusive trial offer. There are precious few medical breakthroughs so amazing that they literally change the established course of an entire field of medicine. But just as LASIK surgery revolutionized optometry, there is a procedure called Vax-D Therapy that has revolutionizing the field of spinal care. …

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The Future of Healthcare Education at FSW

By Dr. Marie Collins, Dean, FSW School of Health Professions New technology changes how teachers reach students and nowhere is that paradigm more evident than at Florida SouthWestern State College (FSW). In the School of Health Professions,  a diverse group of students are prepared for multiple careers ranging from emergency medical technicians to respiratory therapists. Like many notable hospitals and …

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NOW is the THE Time for Fitness that Works!

By Jack Di Giacomo Sr. (A.K.A.) 6-Pack Jack The holidays are upon us. Not only are your muscles in atrophy, they have become accustomed to the low impact they currently receive (for some this is as little as pushing the remote button), but you are now going to be consuming an excess amount of calories without any hope of balancing the caloric intake …

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It’s the Holiday Season!

We are making plans for seeing our family and friends. This should be a joyful time of year but it can be a difficult time for those who have to strain to hear. There is good news. By making a few simple changes, your holiday events can be more enjoyable. Many people who have difficulty hearing feel anxious about holiday …

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By Dr Manuel Bustamante If you have chronic acid reflux or frequent heartburn, you are at risk for a condition called Barrett’s esophagus. Barrett’s esophagus is a change in the lining of the esophagus, the swallowing tube that carries foods and liquids from the mouth to the stomach. Left untreated, it can lead to cancer of the esophagus. About 3.3 …

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Eliminate ICD-10 Coding Errors the ICD-10 Update?

With the transition to ICD-10, hospitals and private practices now using the new coding system must achieve compliance in order to continue the positive impact on their revenue cycle. Experienced and certified coders ensure that coding errors associated with  ICD-10 implementation don’t affect timely reimbursements. The demand for well-trained coders has increased due to the need of providers to avoid …

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