Collier Edition

COPD Treatment Takes Center Stage

By David Ebner – Staff Writer The world will never forget the momentous day when four young men from Liverpool, England, walked onto the stage of the Ed Sullivan show in 1964. The Fab Four strolled onstage, squinting in the glare of the lights and smiling at the squealing fans, and that grainy black and white image became the music …

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New Year’s Resolutions: The Gift That Keeps on Giving

By Randall Kenneth Jones Every year is the same to so many of us. We usher in the New Year by resolving to make positive changes in our lives. In fact, Baby New Year has little to do with our ability to improve. Babies are a blessing but, considering they can’t walk, the wee ones aren’t in a good position …

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All Pain is not the Same

By Eric Hochman, M.D. Musculoskeletal pain is one of the most common reasons that patients visit their doctors.  In fact, odds are you visited your doctor sometime over the last year for a musculoskeletal issue.  Pain is most commonly managed by rheumatologists, physiatrists, anesthesiologists, and orthopedic surgeons.  Each of these providers is considered an expert in dealing with pain.  However, …

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Happy New Year? How about a Healthy New Year!

By Joseph Kandel, M.D. Every year we promise ourselves that this is the year we are going to get healthy. We start out with the best of intentions. We will change our diet, will exercise more, sleep longer, and pay better attention to our overall health. We put so many things on our “to do” list for health, and end …

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Am I Having a Heart Attack?

By Randall Kenneth Jones Not long ago, I woke up and realized something was terribly wrong. I was nauseated and dizzy—and my heart was racing faster than a NASCAR driver on his last lap. As I had a doctor’s appointment scheduled for that morning, I faced a dilemma: attempt to drive myself to my appointment at Physicians Regional-Marco Island or …

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Personal Finance: Achieve Your Financial Goals

The new year is the time when many individuals start making resolutions to live a healthier lifestyle. And while resolving to eat better and exercise more is a good thing, you should be sure to make resolutions that pertain to the overall health of your personal finances as well. Develop a budget and stick with it A good way to …

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What Really Causes Most Low Back Pain & How Regenerative Medicine Corrects It

By Debra K. Brinker, RN Low back pain is one of the most common musculoskeletal pain conditions in the United States, causing individuals physical, social, emotional and economic hardships. The disability from low back pain is so predominant that almost half of the population of the United States has experienced it at some point. Often, it is the result of …

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Keys to Achieving Your Fitness Goals in 2016

By Jack Di Giacomo Sr. (A.K.A.) 6-Pack Jack Hey, folks! It’s that exciting time of year once again; the New Year is upon us. With the beginning of a New Year, many people take time to reflect on the past year and project what they hope to accomplish in the coming months. Of course, the topic of health and fitness always takes a …

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Anti-Inflammatory Therapies at YOLLO Wellness Center

By Yollo Wellness The Latin word for “inflammation” means “ignite, set alight” and like gasoline to a fire, that’s exactly what it does to diseases. Inflammation promotes the spreading and mutating of unhealthy cells. Inflammation also enhances tumors ability to recruit blood supply which is called angiogenesis. You should not be surprised to know that an anti-inflammatory lifestyle can lower …

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The Make-Good-Resolutions Resolution

By Kailee Witt, MA Associate Director, Enrollment Management Systems & Communications Florida SouthWestern State College Every New Year brings with it new possibilities and, for some, new resolutions. There are many types of resolutioners. Some of us set impossible goals for ourselves – leading to a late night Netflix binge with the rest of that cake we made “just for …

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