Collier Edition

Help Reduce your risk of age related memory loss

By Eric Hochman, M.D. Dating back long before the 1500s when Ponce de Leon sought the Fountain of Youth in St Augustine, Florida, explorers and common men alike have been searching for ways to stay young forever.  Although this legendary fountain remains undiscovered, researchers have uncovered some methods to combat the effects of aging.  By modifying behavior and implementing simple …

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The Basics of Heart Health

February is designated as American Heart Month. With this in mind, let’s review just how important it is to take steps that allow you to keep your heart healthy and functioning at an optimal level for years to come. Heart health is dependent on a variety of factors including our diet, genetic factors, and activity level.  If you have a …

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Make Your Home Heart Healthy

If home is where the heart is, shouldn’t every home be heart healthy? Easier said than done in U.S. homes today, where: • Processed, high-fat, high-sugar foods are readily available • Sedentary activities, such as TV watching and computer use, take time away from physical activities That’s a problem, since a low-fat, low-sugar, high-fiber diet and regular exercise are the …

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CT Enterography: Detect Crohn’s Disease and Other Bowel Abnormalities

Until recently, diagnosis of small bowel pathology had relied primarily on radiological  techniques,  in  part  due  to  the relative inaccessibility of the small bowel to conventional endoscopy. Progress continues to be made in cross-sectional imaging technologies, harnessing the power of computer tomography, MRI and ultrasound, facilitating rapid, accurate and minimally invasive investigation of the small bowel and adjacent tissues. What …

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Let’s Brighten Those Florida Smiles!!

Just in time for National Children’s Dental Health Month, the dental hygiene students of Florida SouthWestern State College (FSW) have been very busy planning events that focus on the dental educational needs of a variety of entities throughout Southwest Florida. Community members from the youngest to the oldest benefit from instructions in oral healthcare provided by these students with each …

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So You Have Made it to the Gym, I Commend You For that. So Here’s A Very Important Tip. I Term It, Making The Negative into A Positive. (The “Cadre” Method)

By Jack Di Giacomo Sr. (A.K.A.) 6-Pack Jack I am in the gym many times per week, I Witness This, All The Time, With and Without  a Partner or even Worse, their Personal Trainers, Giving Support of, It’s ALL You, It’s ALL YOU, or ONE More Rep. The Power of the Down Rep As life takes us down the path of experiences, we …

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Is Fatty Liver causing your fatigue and weight gain?

By Gastroenterology Specialists Fatty liver occurs when excess fat accumulates inside liver cells. This means normal, healthy liver tissue becomes partly replaced with fatty tissue. The fat starts to invade the liver, gradually infiltrating the healthy liver areas, so that less and less healthy liver tissue remains. The fatty liver has a yellow greasy appearance and is often enlarged and …

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How Can Heart Health Affect Your Hearing

Are you aware that there is a link between heart health and hearing loss?  There is a strong link between healthy hearts and hearing well.  The Better Hearing Institute (BHI) recommends that everyone who is 40 or older have their hearing checked routinely as part of their health care.  Many cardiologists see the ear as an indicator of heart health …

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Cleaning Tips to Keep the Flu Virus at Bay and Out of Your Home

Flu season is among us and with an increase in the number of people in the area for the winter, preventing the flu and other viruses can be difficult this time of year. The muscle aches, fever, chills and fatigue that accompany the virus affect five to 20 percent of the U.S. population each year and hospitalize hundreds of thousands, …

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Treating Erectile Dysfunction with Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs

By Toni Eatros, MS, Dipl Ac, AP Men, when they reach their 40s and 50s, typically undergo a transition into a new stage of life called andropause.  Overall health will determine how much testosterone levels may drop during this time.  The bigger the “beer belly”, the more dramatic the drop in testosterone.  Excess fat in the abdomen creates hormonal imbalance …

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