Collier Edition

Uncover Food and Chemical Sensitivities with the Alcat Test

By Yollo Wellness The Alcat Test may help uncover which foods and other substances trigger chronic inflammation and its related health issues such as gastrointestinal, metabolic disorders and others. The Alcat Test measures cellular reactions to over 450 substances. Medical studies using the Alcat Test to guide diet have shown significant improvement of many common symptoms. To date, the Alcat …

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Hook, Line, and Thinker: Therapeutic Fishing to Reduce Stress

By Deborah Helen Selman, DNP, RN Professor at FSW School of Health Professions Department of Nursing Florida SouthWestern State College This past weekend my husband and I decided to store away our big fish tank that had been running for over eight years. We were amazed at how much counter space we had when the job was complete. We sat …

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Can Weather Affect My Pain?

By Matt Fehniger, PT Outpatient Coordinator, Life Care Center of Estero Recently, it seems we have had a weather front coming through Southwest Florida every other week. For some of our patients, this causes their pain levels to change rapidly and drastically. Does the weather really have anything to do with changes in pain levels? While there is not widespread …

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Colon Cancer IS Preventable

By Gastroenterology Specialists The first step to prevent colon cancer is understanding what the risk factors are. Knowing that you are at risk will help motivate you to take the necessary steps to prevent it. Even if you are at high risk for colon cancer, there are steps that you can take to decrease your chances of developing it. Most …

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Safety Tips For Leaving Your Home Alone When You Travel

The holidays are upon us. All across America, people are about to go — or are already on — vacation. That, of course, leaves houses behind. Is your home safe when you’re not around? Do you travel with a false sense of security after discontinuing your newspapers and arranging to have your lawn mowed while you are away? Take a …

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Hemorrhoid Relief with Chinese Herbs, Acupuncture & Auricular Medicine

By Toni Eatros, MS, Dipl Ac, AP Many people suffer in silence about this very uncomfortable issue, hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids, also known as piles, develop when the pillow-like clusters of veins in lower rectum and anus become swollen and distended, similar to varicose veins in the legs.  There are two types of hemorrhoids, internal and external.  The internal ones are located …

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New to the area or just moving from one county to another? How does this affect your current insurance?

By Ulla-Undine Merritt (Dee) National Producer Number (NPN) 8853366 Most people don’t realize that when you move that there is a lot you need to do that does not involve your new home, but it can greatly affect you personally. When you shop for a new home you should shop for new health insurance as well and compare the difference …

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Balanced Nutrition Is An Important Factor in Successful Aging

By Amy Hilliard Right”. Created by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, the campaign was formed to focus attention on the importance of making informed food choices and developing sound eating and physical activity habits. For older adults, good nutrition is especially important. As we age, our bodies process food differently. This in turn can affect our dietary needs and …

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We’re not getting any younger….

Two thousand or so years ago, the Apostle Paul wrote a letter to a younger student of his.  That student’s name was Titus and Paul’s letter to him survives to this day as the New Testament book of Titus.  In that letter, there’s a sentence that speaks volumes about the character that we ought to be developing as we move …

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Is good health in your future?

By Danielle Perrault, Founder, Director World Institute of Natural Nutrition One of the most serious problems of modern civilization is malnutrition. Whether we consider malnutrition caused by poverty and shortage of food as encountered in third world countries, or witness the dietary abuse problems common to the rest of the world, we find enormous suffering caused by the way we …

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