Collier Edition

Some Warnings About Alcohol

April is Alcohol Awareness month, and it seems a fitting time to take a look together at some ancient wisdom on the matter of potential warnings and dangers associated with alcohol. My source is the book of Proverbs from the Hebrew Bible (or, if you prefer, the Old Testament as it is known to Christians).  The warnings of Proverbs seem …

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April is a month designated to celebrating Occupational Therapist.  Occupational therapy enables people of all ages live life to its fullest by helping them promote health, prevent—or live better with—injury, illness, or disability. It is a practice deeply rooted in science and is evidence-based, meaning that the plan designed for each individual is supported by data, experience, and “best practices” …

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TITLE INSURANCE – Securing your home requires more than just new locks

By C. Lane Wood YOU FOUND A NEW HOME; IT WAS LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT. NOW MAKE SURE IT’S YOURS. Imagine accepting a deed to your dream home only to find out later that someone else has a claim to your property – a legal claim that puts your ownership in question. Don’t risk this happening to you. There are …

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Cancer Nutrition Drink is a Must Have

By Dr. Stan Headley 20-40% of cancer patients actually die from malnutrition (cachexia) and not cancer itself! As a physician I am shocked and alarmed by that factual statistic.  How can that be in this day and age of advanced medicine you might ask?  The answer is simple – pharmaceutical companies have invested billions into advancing cancer medicines but medical …

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Why so Tired? Top 5 Reasons You’re Struggling with Sleep

By Kara Jacobs – Darker mornings and lighter evenings always seem to put a wrench in our sleeping schedule when spring time rolls around each year.  However, could more serious conditions be contributing to your sleepless nights? It can be hard to tell if you just had a rough night of sleep or if it might be a chronic condition …

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CT Scans Provide Quick and Invaluable Images

Computed tomography (CT or CAT scan) ranks as one of the top five medical developments in the last 40 years, according to most medical surveys. CT has proven so valuable as a medical diagnostic tool that the 1979 Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded to the inventors. How it works Both CT and conventional x-rays take pictures of internal body …

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What Does Your Thyroid Do & Why is it Important?

By Aldo Guevara, MD and Nena Korunda, MD, FACP – Korunda Medical Institute – The thyroid is a butterfly shaped gland that is located over the trachea (wind pipe) just below the larynx (voice box). The thyroid gland plays a very important role in most all the metabolic processes of the body. The thyroid gland produces a hormone and together …

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Decreasing Balance Increases Risk of Falls in the Bathroom

As we age, it gets harder to do a lot of the activities we were once able to do with ease, and we tend to take those things for granted. Walking, bending, and climbing are movements that we think are simple now, but they only get more difficult when we reach our Golden Years. The bathroom can be a hazardous …

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Municipal Bonds as an Investment Vehicle

Provided by RBC Wealth Management and John Barnes The nation’s economic woes have affected all of us, but municipalities have been hit particularly hard resulting in cash-strapped state and local governments across the country. Consequently, you might be wondering how this situation could affect an investment class you might be considering: municipal bonds. If you’re thinking about municipal bonds (munis) …

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The COOL way to Rejuvenate

By Dr. Ronald M. Repice, D.C. Cryotherapy is the use of low temperatures to trigger the body’s natural responses to heal itself. The benefits of using cryogenic chamber therapy are countless. This modality was first utilized in Japan in 1978 to treat rheumatoid arthritis. Studies conducted over the last two decades in Europe have established Whole Body Cryotherapy as a …

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