Collier Edition

Relationship Between Nutrition and Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care has become a popular discipline of alternative medicine because of the ability to diagnose and resolve many different aspects of our overall health. When we go to the chiropractor, our frame of reference usually tells us that we are going solely to treat musculoskeletal injuries and prevent future injuries. However, Chiropractic Care can help much more than simply …

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Open Enrollment for 2016 has ended. Need Health Insurance know your options!

By Ulla-Undine Merritt (Dee) National Producer Number (NPN) 8853366 There are Special Election Periods for eligible individuals to purchase creditable health insurance coverage.  Most life change events have a maximum of 60 days to make that change. The majority of the time you’re earliest effective date is the 1st of the month following your application. Medicare and Under 65 Medical …

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Pelvic Organ Prolapse

By Joseph Gauta, MD, FACOG Until recently, pelvic organ prolapse (POP) was rarely addressed because women were reluctant to discuss the embarrassing symptoms. POP is one of the most common disorders women will face in their lifetime. Today, many gynecologists and primary care physicians routinely screen women for symptoms, and a new surgical specialty of urogynecology has arisen to treat pelvic …

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Alcohol & Heart Health

The idea that alcohol may be good for your heart has been around for a while. While moderate drinking may offer health benefits, drinking more can cause a host of health problems. So should you turn to alcohol to protect your heart? Here’s what you need to know, from what alcohol can really do, to how much you should drink, …

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When Should You See Cardio-Vascular Specialists?

By Julian J. Javier, MD – Cardiac and Vascular Specialist Arteries and Veins are very important for the proper function of all your body system.  Arteries are responsible for delivering nutrients and oxygen to tissues, and Veins for collecting the use blood and taking it to the lungs to insert oxygen into the red blood cell and discard CO2. Arteries …

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Urinary Incontinence What is it, and how do I prevent it?

Do you ever find yourself struggling to “hold it in?” You sneeze only to cross your legs because you felt a bit of urine leak out involuntarily. If so, you aren’t alone. These are signs of urinary incontinence, a common disorder that prevents you from being able to hold in your urine under pressure. Those who struggle with this disorder …

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Staying a Step Ahead of COPD

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) has grown in prevalence over the last decade and is now the third leading cause of death in America. When diagnosed with an incurable chronic illness, people tend to search for alternatives to traditional medicine. The quest for treatment options can leave a patient feeling overwhelmed. Anxiety and depression can exacerbate symptoms, creating a vicious …

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Got Bunions?

What to do now? Michael J. Petrocelli, D.P.M., F.A.C.A.S., C.W.S.P. Abunion, (medical term: hallux abductovalgus) is a condition resulting in boney prominence at the inside of the foot at the big toe joint. A bunion occurs when the big toe begins to deviate toward the second toe. The biggest misconception is that bunions occur from an overgrowth of bone. While …

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Parkinson’s Disease: A Brief Overview

By Joseph Kandel, M.D. When I see a patient for the first time and mention to them I feel they may have Parkinson’s or a related condition, that is the last thing the patient hears. They think that their life is over, they won’t be able to get out of the bed or the wheelchair, and won’t be able to …

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Is Your Cholesterol Medication Causing Your Nerve Pain?

If you experience tingling and numbness in your extremities, you likely suffer from nerve damage. Neuropathy–also called peripheral neuropathy–refers to any condition that affects the normal activity of the nerves of the peripheral nervous system. The peripheral nervous system is the network of nerves that connects the central nervous system–the brain and spinal cord–to the rest of the body. Neuropathy …

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