Collier Edition


By Blake W. Kirkpatrick Last month’s article discussed dotting the “I’s” in estate planning. Specifically, the article addresased the importance of remembering to address your insurance and IRA assets as part of the estate planning process. The cliché of dotting the I or crossing the T really means taking the extra step to make sure every item is addressed. Now …

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Time to review your risk tolerance?

As you know, investing always involves a certain degree of risk. But it’s how you respond to that risk that may well determine your success as an investor. And that’s why you need to be sure of your risk tolerance. If you have a high tolerance for risk, you may be willing to accept significant price fluctuations in exchange for …

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A Closer Look at Statin Drugs, Cholesterol and  Overlooked Risk Factors for Heart Disease – Part 3

By Toni Eatros, MS, Dipl Ac, AP Over the past two months, I have explained the importance of cholesterol in our body, especially as we age, and have reviewed the actual research regarding mortality rate as it relates to cholesterol levels.  I know this information is contrary to the majority of messages about cholesterol that you are encountering on a …

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10 Ways to Make Dad’s Day

Celebrate your own father and the father of your children this Father’s Day. Make Dad the center of attention for a change. Here are some ways that you and your kids can make Dad’s day! 1. Before Father’s Day, sit down and write a note to your husband, telling him what a great dad he is and how important he …

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When You Are At Your Wits End

Have you ever been at your wits’ end?  Have you ever been so confused that you didn’t really know which way was up?  Have you ever had the feeling, “I know I need to do something…but I don’t know what ‘something’ to do.” The Bible tells the story of a group of sailors who went out to sea and encountered …

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daVinci Prostate Cancer Surgery – Personalized, Comprehensive Prostate Cancer Treatment

Gulfshore Urology  prostate cancer experts, like Dr. Alexandre Rosen, specialize in a comprehensive and personalized approach to your prostate cancer treatment. Starting with your diagnosis, consultations at Gulfshore Urology begin with a thoughtful conversation between the patient and  one of their highly trained physicians.  Every step of the way, they will help guide you in understanding your course of treatment …

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Choosing the Right Primary Care Physician

More then just a Doctor…. A Partner in Your Healthcare Selecting a primary care physician can be one of the most important decisions for the well-being and good health of a patient.  Choosing the right doctor early on is important, especially because for many, the relationship is going to be one that lasts a lifetime. Trust should be a major …

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Great Summer Cooking Begins with Proper Grill Maintenance

By maidpro Heavy-duty grill cleaning is a once-a-year job best done at the start of each new grilling season. For gas grills, ensure all knobs are set to off and disconnect propane. When cleaning the main grill apparatus, focus on getting the outside shiny and appealing, but don’t put too much effort into cleaning the inside; remove loose debris and …

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Age is Just a State of Mind for Men at The Carlisle

By Amy Hilliard Research indicates that the aging process is different for men and women. Not only are the responses from the body different but so is the male/female psychology on getting older. According to a study, older men cited the following concerns about aging: Loss of Independence—The Boomer Project, a leading authority on insights about the 50+ market, revealed …

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Commonly Asked Vein Questions

By Dr. John P. Landi, MD, FACS, RPVI, RPhS, Diplomate of The American Board of Venous and Lymphatic Medicine Varicose and Spider Veins affect millions of people throughout the world.  Over the last ten years the treatment of both Varicose and Spider Veins has changed drastically. Initially, the only available treatment for Varicose Veins was a radical surgical procedure called …

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