Collier Edition


By M. Francesca Passeri It is a generally accepted rule that animals are prohibited from being in many public places and within some types of communal housing areas. However, federal and Florida law allows persons with a disability to reside with and bring their service and assistance animals into their homes and to places of public accommodation. A “service animal” …

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Exercise Tied to Improved Health, Longevity

By Amy Hilliard Making exercise and physical activity a regular part of your life can significantly improve your health and help you maintain your independence as you age. In fact, the National Institutes of Health have found that exercise is one of the healthiest things older adults can do. Innovative active retirement communities have embraced this theory and are encouraging …

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Experiencing God’s Internal Healing

Part One Most people have hidden wounds that bring pain and anguish into their lives. Hidden wounds can be memories that still hurt; recollections from your past that when you think about them still cause pain in your life.  They can include memories of abandonment, abuse, ridicule, criticism, prejudice, and hatred as well as physical, sexual, emotional, or spiritual abuse. …

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By Dr. John P. Landi, MD, FACS, RPVI, RPhS, Diplomate of The American Board of Venous and Lymphatic Medicine Since I am a vein specialist my eyes tend to focus on veins every place, but especially in the legs since they are usually the most prominent. Last weekend while I was sitting outside the movie theater waiting for the show …

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Protect Your Nose From the Sun’s Harmful Rays

One in five Americans will develop skin cancer in the course of a lifetime. Each year in the U.S. over 5.4 million cases of non-melanoma skin cancer are treated in more than 3.3 million people. Non-melanoma skin cancer, which is the kind of cancer that affects the nose, has become one of the most common forms of skin cancer and …

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By Jeff Spector, Lead Designer – Curtis Allen Designs Like most people, I occasionally dream about retiring somewhere fun—say, to a houseboat in Seattle, or a one-bedroom rental in Brooklyn, or maybe a chateau in Provence. But I have another fantasy, this one involving a place closer to heart, as in, my home. In this scenario, I stay exactly where …

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School Break = Summer Smiles

By Angela V. Litvak, DMD Summer is a perfect time for family fun and lazy beach days. And school summer break is also a great time for scheduling your children’s visit for a bi-annual dental checkup. Did you realize that from the moment your children’s first pearly white tooth erupts, they are susceptible to decay? It is also important that …

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What would rising interest rates mean to you?

Provided by RBC Wealth Management and John Barnes Following the financial crisis of 2008, many investors rushed to the investment “sidelines” in order to avoid risk of any kind. While understandable given the market environment those that chose to remain invested in the markets have been well rewarded as both bonds and stocks have posted strong performance numbers since then. …

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Commonly Asked Vein Questions

By Dr. John P. Landi, MD, FACS, RPVI, RPhS, Diplomate of The American Board of Venous and Lymphatic Medicine Varicose and Spider Veins affect millions of people throughout the world. Over the last ten years the treatment of both Varicose and Spider Veins has changed drastically. Initially, the only available treatment for Varicose Veins was a radical surgical procedure called …

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The Air in Florida: Good for Those with COPD?

By David Ebner – Staff Writer    Each year, the American Lung Association releases the State of the Air Report, accounting for the air quality of major counties in the United States. It’s probably not news that metropolitan areas throughout the state received varying results in air quality. It may be surprising that not a single Florida city made the …

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