Collier Edition

The Ancient Art of Cupping, Revealed

By Toni Eatros, MS, Dipl Ac, AP If you have watched any of the 2016 summer Olympics swimming events, then you have seen many of the athletes with strange, purple round marks on their bodies.  These marks may appear strange, but they are the result of an ancient healing technique called cupping. Cupping is a suction, or vacuum, technique designed …

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By Rebecca M. Vaccariello While no one plans that they will need a guardianship proceeding commenced, in many different types of scenarios it may be necessary. This article explains the general types of cases when guardianship can come into play and some basic concepts relating to how the guardianship process works. In terms of who may need to be subject …

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What would rising interest rates mean to you?

Provided by RBC Wealth Management and John Barnes Following the financial crisis of 2008, many investors rushed to the investment “sidelines” in order to avoid risk of any kind. While understandable given the market environment those that chose to remain invested in the markets have been well rewarded as both bonds and stocks have posted strong performance numbers since then. …

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Health Insurance – Medicare 2017 Annual Election Period is coming soon!

By Ulla-Undine Merritt (Dee) National Producer Number (NPN) 8853366 Medicare Beneficiaries who currently have Medicare Advantage Plan and Part D (Prescription Drug Plans) will be receiving their “Notice of Change” documents in September.  These notices compare any plan changes from your current 2016 to your new 2017 plan.  You will be automatically re-enrolled in your current plan if you do …

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September is Self-Improvement Month

By Amy Hilliard September is Self-Improvement Month, a time designated to set goals that help put us on the path to becoming a better version of ourselves. It’s not about pointing out our flaws, rather an opportunity to look inward and discover how we can improve in all aspects of our lives including physically, mentally and emotionally. Physically Get Moving: …

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Adult Stem Cell Therapy at the Lung Institute Helps Pulmonary Fibrosis Patient

Joseph O. was given a year to live upon his diagnosis of pulmonary fibrosis. After adult stem cell therapy for pulmonary fibrosis from the Lung Institute, Joseph’s outlook changed. TAMPA, FLA. Sept. 1, 2016 – Joseph O. visited the Lung Institute in Tampa, Fla., to receive adult stem cell therapy for pulmonary fibrosis in March of 2015, and his results surprised his pulmonologist. When pulmonary …

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Do You Suffer with IBS

By Manuel F. Bustamante, MD Gastroenterology Specialists Irritable bowel syndrome is a disorder characterized most commonly by cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, and diarrhea. IBS causes a great deal of discomfort and distress, but it does not permanently harm the intestines and does not lead to a serious disease, such as cancer. Most people can control their symptoms with diet, …

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Your Cleaning Service May Be Sweeping More Than Just Dirt Under The Rug

Pop quiz: How much do you really know about the people you hire to work in and around your home? Through casual conversations you may know where they live, their children’s names and ages. You might know someone for whom they’ve done work or have a friend or acquaintance in common (that’s probably how you found out about them in …

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Proven Knee Arthritis Treatment

By Physicians Rehabilitation FDA Approved Treatment for Knee  Arthritis Offered Locally Currently, an estimated 27 million people suffer from know osteoarthritis making it one of the most common causes of disability in the U.S.  It is estimated by the year 2030, 72 million Americans will be at high risk for osteoarthritis.  Patients with chronic joint pain often think nothing can …

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Regain Control of Your Life New Minimally Invasive Overactive Bladder Treatment Available

By Rolando Rivera, MD, FACS Do you ever find yourself struggling to hold it in? Or do you plan your social outings based on which local venues have the cleanest restrooms? If you are living with bladder symptoms of urgency, frequency, and leakage, it could be a common condition called overactive bladder (OAB). The incidence of OAB is staggering and …

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