Collier Edition

Get A Head Start On Your New Year’s Resolutions

The holiday season is officially upon us now.  We all know this is the most wonderful time of the year.  A month filled with the joy of the season and a list of obligations for holiday parties, cookie exchanges and family gatherings.  Along with all the festivities come food (a lot of it), alcohol and stress.  It’s no wonder when the …

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Holidays bring up lots of emotions for everyone and after the holidays there is a great deal of illness and the “blues”

By Evie Breedlove-Mangapora, ARNP & Deborah J. Post, ARNP Your diet and lifestyle choices around this time, can help reduce the “holiday blues”. Lets Talk Magnesium (Mg) Researchers have now detected many thousands of magnesium binding sites on human proteins, indicating that its role in human health and disease may have been vastly underestimated. Magnesium is responsible for: • Creation …

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By Rebecca M. Vaccariello, Esq. There have been a lot of changes over the past few years as the Governor signed multiple bills affecting guardianship. One of those bills, House Bill 5, was written and sponsored by our own State Representative Kathleen Passidomo. There are yet more changes on the horizon as the provisions required by the signed bills continue to …

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Exploring the 24 Hour Qi Clock

By Toni Eatros, MS, Dipl Ac, AP Most people are familiar with the terms diurnal and nocturnal. Diurnal means active during the daytime, while nocturnal means active during the nighttime. Together the two make up a 24-hour cycle known as a day. But, in traditional Chinese medicine, this 24-hour cycle is viewed as much more than just a day in …

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It’s A Wonderful Life

By Pastor Timothy Neptune Every year around this time the old classic Christmas movies start coming on television. It is easy to start a conversation at work by simply asking, “So, what’s your favorite Christmas movie?” Mine is Frank Capra’s It’s A Wonderful Life. Some of you might be able to relate to George Bailey this holiday season—lost, confused, stressed …

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Is your Trashcan Making you Sick?

When we drag our trash bins out to the curb bi-weekly, we rarely consider the grotesque filth that houses those plastic bags. Why do you think the trash men wear gloves?  We all know it; trashcans are literally filled with our stinky, smelly garbage.  With rotting spoiled food, dirty diapers, pet waste, leaking bags and wet moldy items, our trash bins …

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By Hoglund Family Hearing and Audiology Services Many people think of their hearing loss from simply an annoyance, frustration, or embarrassment perspective such as “It is annoying to my family that the TV is louder than they like“, or “It is embarrassing when I answer a question inappropriately” or, “It is frustrating when I miss a punch line of a …

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Medicare 2017 annual Election Period begins October 15th and runs through December 7th, 2016 for January 2017 effective date.

By Ulla-Undine Merritt (Dee) National Producer Number (NPN) 8853366 Everyone on Medicare should be looking at their Notification of Change booklets that you received from your current insurance carrier in September.  This applies to Medicare Advantage Plans (Part C) and Prescriptions Part D, an annual review of your policies is always highly recommended.  Medicare Advantage Plans change every year so …

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The BLOATED feeling you get after eating may be caused by Bacterial Overgrowth

By Dr Manuel Bustamante Have you ever eaten something and within a few hours realized that your stomach is so bloated that you can’t button your pants? It’s not uncommon for patients to say that they wake up with a flat belly and by the end of the day they look six months pregnant. Even if you haven’t experienced abdominal …

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Allini – The Natural Chem-Free Way to Purify Water

On any given day, you’re exposing your body and home to over 316 contaminants found in water. Immediately after installing your Allini filter, there will be no chlorine smell or taste in your water – 99% of the chlorine will be gone, along with any sediment or discoloration, chemical contaminants, and pesticides. Allini also removes 99% of heavy metals such …

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