Collier Edition


We all have aches and pains from time to time, but depending on your overall health, age and physical capability, formal medicine is often not enough. Patients are being overmedicated with prescriptions and receiving unnecessary procedures. Many physicians do not completely understand the importance of exercise and the optimal benefits that it has on countless illness, symptoms and disorders. These …

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Alternative Treatments Help Improve Quality of Life

By Phoebe Brown – Staff Writer When people are diagnosed with chronic diseases, the challenge of living life fully, navigating the healthcare industry and finding the right treatment options can pose issues. For people with lung diseases, treatment options which address the disease itself are scarce and don’t usually go beyond traditional medications, supplemental oxygen or a lung transplant. Even …

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Understanding Gastroenterology

Publications such as Health & Wellness have a goal: to educate. In this case, the education is focused on making the patient public better consumers of medical products and services. If people are willing to spend hours online researching the best price for the latest and greatest flat- screen TV, it stands to reason that the same amount of time …

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IV Ketamine Therapy for Depression

The medically supervised and administered drug Ketamine has proven to be very effective on patients with depression. Whether that depression is related to PTSD, OCD, Post-Partum, bi-polar or other major depressive disorders, the administration of Ketamine IV therapy is providing favorable results for people suffering from these progressive afflictions. What is Ketamine? Since the late 1960s Ketamine has been used …

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MonaLisa Touch™- The New Laser Therapy for Vaginal and Vulvar Atrophy

What is vaginal and vulvar atrophy? GSM, or genitourinary syndrome of menopause, is a condition in which the walls of the vagina and vulva become thinner and dryer due to a decrease in estrogen. It affects around 40 percent of women, particularly after menopause, and can cause painful intercourse, vaginal dryness, burning and decreased urinary tract health resulting in pain …

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CT Whole Body Screening for Proactive Health Management

Preventative medicine is very common these days as most of us try to live a fairly healthy lifestyle. We’ve become a bit more mindful of what we fuel our bodies with and what steps to take to prevent being over medicated and developing age related diseases. Through this we’ve learned to maintain our weight, exercise, eat healthful nutrient rich foods and …

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Giving Back Tied to Longevity & Other Health Benefits

By Amy Hilliard As 2016 winds to a close, we’ll be busy with holiday parties, sending Christmas cards and buying presents for loved ones. It’s important, however, to remember the spirit of the holidays. It’s a great time to be of service to those in need and give of our time and talents. Research shows that in addition to volunteers providing …

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Happy Holidays!

I love Thanksgiving, even more than Christmas. The reason being, my grandchildren are still young enough that traveling at Christmas is not an option, they have to be home for Santa. I have three adult children and they live in three different states so deciding where to spend the Christmas holiday is difficult. Thanksgiving on the other hand is easy, …

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Adults 65 and over are more susceptible to the dangers of the flu, as their symptoms can quickly exacerbate into something worse. This happens because the immune system in the elderly becomes weaker, and the ability to fight off viruses and bacteria becomes more difficult and problematical with age, leaving seniors much more vulnerable to the complications of respiratory infections, than …

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Cervical Instability: A Consideration in Dysautonomia & Joint Hypermobility Syndromes

By Debra K. Brinker, RN Regenerative Medicine treatments provide an excellent option for patients suffering from a variety of symptoms that are due to cervical spine instability. Unfortunately, when cervical instability goes undiagnosed, patients can find themselves seeing numerous specialists and starting different medications that treat the symptoms but fail to fix the true underlying problem. Having a better understanding of …

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