Collier Edition

ReShapeTM – Gastric Balloon for Immediate Weight Loss

By Mark A. Liberman, M.D., F.A.C.S. Lets face it, losing weight is hard.  And those pounds that have been added on over the years don’t go away on their own.  You exercise and eat well but your weight doesn’t seem to change.  And surgery is just too drastic.  So if you’re serious about losing weight and improving your health, the …

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Food Allergy vs. Food Intolerance

As fall approaches many people look forward to the sensational fall colors, outdoor activities, college football, Halloween, and Thanksgiving. But for those who suffer with food allergies, these can be challenging situations. Most of us eat without any thought, other than perhaps wondering what we are going to eat. However, if you suffer from a food allergy, your immune system …

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Hip Preservation Comes to Physician’s Regional

By Bryan Hanypsiak, M.D., Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon People that are experiencing pain in their hip or groin area may be suffering from hip arthritis or a pre-arthritic condition called Femoral Acetabular Impingement (FAI).  The pain may occur after standing from a seated position or when sitting for prolonged periods of time.  It may be activity related, associated with particular leg …

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MonaLisa Touch™ – The New Laser Therapy for Vaginal and Vulvar Atrophy

What is vaginal and vulvar atrophy? GSM, or genitourinary syndrome of menopause, is a condition in which the walls of the vagina and vulva become thinner and dryer due to a decrease in estrogen. It affects around 40 percent of women, particularly after menopause, and can cause painful intercourse, vaginal dryness, burning and decreased urinary tract health resulting in pain …

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Good Times, Bad Times: The Rolling Stones & The Rise of Stem Cells for COPD Treatment

   In the early 60s, America was given its first taste of the British Invasion. It was February 9th and a young British rock band named The Beatles had just finished a performance on the Ed Sullivan show to a crowd of screaming fans. The young men were a spectacle to see. Dressed to the nines in tailored suits, pristine …

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Feeling Guilty About Overeating During the Holidays?

Body sculpting treatments can help you get back into shape and help you feel better about your body. Some areas of our frames are much more resistant to diet and exercise than others. Unfortunately, it may seem that no matter how many crunches, squats or triceps curls we do, a tiny layer of fat that we just can’t seem to shake …

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What is your Perfect Diet for the New Year

The beginning of the year tends to be an opportunity for many people to make a fresh start with regards to creating habits and patterns of self care that work for improving or maintaining health.  A very common concern in January is to lose weight, get in shape and find the diet or meal plan that really finally works. There are …

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Freeze, Fill, or Melt?

Non Surgical Options for Facial Rejuvenation By John D. Verghese, M.D. There are a multitude of options for facial rejuvenation now available. Surgery has long been considered the gold standard for reversing the aging process but new technologies have emerged as an alternative to the scalpel. There are three major categories of facial techniques: neurotoxins (freeze), dermal fillers (fill) and …

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Get Long-term Relief of Dry Eyes From Dr. James E. Croley III

If you or someone you know are experiencing burning sensations and abrasions in the eyes that limit your everyday living activities, you may have dry eyes. Or, if you already have been diagnosed with dry eyes, the “solution” provided by your physician may be offering only temporary, short-term relief. So we talked with Ophthalmologist James E. Croley III, M.D., about LipiFlow, …

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Hernia Repair

There are multiple forms of hernias, but two common types are inguinal and ventral. A ventral hernia is a protrusion in the abdomen caused by a weak spot in the muscle fibers. The protrusion is usually an organ or the intestines that jut through the abdominal wall, causing a bulge that is often times noticeable to the naked eye. By …

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