Collier Edition

Heart Health

By Sue Ellen Mathers, Licensed Professional Realtor®, MBA, CNE, SRES, ABR Ijust visited one of my clients – and good friend – who is recovering from open heart surgery. This was not a planned event for the New Year! Whenever something like this happens to a friend it is a wakeup call. He was lucky, he didn’t feel well and …

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Are Antacids the Best Way to Treat Heartburn and GERD?

By Toni Eatros, MS, Dipl Ac, AP If you walk into any pharmacy or grocery store, you will see rows and rows of antacid medications developed by Big Pharma to reduce the production production of stomach acid.  They have us convinced that stomach acid is evil and that we must stop its production.  What they don’t tell you is that …

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By Rebecca M. Vaccariello “Undue influence” is a term of art in the legal profession that describes a situation where a person, due to the influence of another, makes choices that are not truly their own.  This situation can most commonly arise when a person’s health or mental status is compromised by physical illness or dementia.  As a litigator who …

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Dirty Cans? Clean Them Up!

Although our trash is disposable, the germs and bacteria left behind are not. Collectively, we just seem to accumulate more and more trash every year. The plastic trashcan is a convenience item that we have no problem filling with filthy rubbish. From everything like rotting food, dirty diapers, dog poop, wet paper towels and kitchen sponges, we quite literally throw everything …

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Creative Pursuits Linked to Brain Health

By Amy Hilliard At 92 years old, Ruth Moran is proud to have finally scratched “artist extraordinaire” off her to-do list! The Carlisle Naples resident has been participating in the active retirement community’s bimonthly art program for a year and says she’s been pleasantly surprised at her progress. Though she’d always had an interest in art, career and family obligations prevented …

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Health Insurance – Medicare Annual Disenrollment Period 2017! Long-Term Care Insurance is ‘not’ just for Nursing Home Care

By Ulla-Undine Merritt (Dee) National Producer Number (NPN) 8853366 Medicare Disenrollment January 1 – February 14, 2017 If you enrolled in a Medicare Advantage Plan (Part C) through insurance company and you feel it is not for you.  You can go back to original Medicare during this time and pick a Part D Prescription Drug plan.  Plus you can choose …

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How Healthy is Your Heart? Simple Steps to Enjoying a Healthy Retirement

February is American Heart Month, and with all of the information on heart health in the news, it can be difficult to know where to start. As you near retirement and beyond, it becomes even more important to take action to help keep your heart healthy and strong. According to the American Heart Association, cardiovascular diseases are the nation’s number …

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Are You Drinking the Right Kind of Water?

Believe it or not, the water you drink has a huge impact on your health. Drinking the right kind of water can actually reduce your chances of suffering from health problems like high blood pressure and osteoporosis. Drink the wrong kind of water and your body can become filled with toxins, become acidic, or be robbed of essential minerals required …

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Clean Up The Most Important House… YOUR BODY!

New Health Rankings: Of 17 Nations U.S. is Dead Last! By Evie Breedlove-Mangapora, ARNP & Deborah J. Post, ARNP According to a recent health analysis by US Health in International Perspective, Americans come in dead last for life span in comparison to 17 other affluent nations.  According to the report, Americans live in poor health and die earlier when compared …

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Therapeutic Options to Improve Blood Circulation

Blood circulation is one of the most important components of our overall health and well-being. When clinical symptoms begin to arise due to poor circulation it’s vital to seek preventative treatment options to avoid further complications.  Common signs and symptoms that occur are fluid accumulation in a limb, a feeling of heaviness or tightness, thickening of the skin, pain or redness …

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