Collier Edition

daVinci Prostate Cancer Surgery – Personalized, Comprehensive Prostate Cancer Treatment

Gulfshore Urology  prostate cancer experts, like Dr. Alexandre Rosen, specialize in a comprehensive and personalized approach to your prostate cancer treatment.   Starting with your diagnosis, consultations at Gulfshore Urology begin with a thoughtful conversation between the patient and  one of their highly trained physicians.  Every step of the way, they will help guide you in understanding your course of treatment and …

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Your Happiness – What is the Cost?

Have you ever taken a moment to observe a child playing? With an empty box, or a metal pot, or some water and dirt they can create an adventure. They are naturally joyous. As we grow up, the cost of our happiness increases. We may route our happiness through earning an education, having a family, developing social relationships, or even …

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Research Shows Direct Correlation Between Diet and Aging Well

By Amy Hilliard March is National Nutrition Month and this year’s theme is “Put Your Best Fork Forward”. Created by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, the campaign serves as a reminder that each one of us holds the tool to make healthier food choices. For older adults, good nutrition is especially important. As we age, our bodies process food …

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National Nutrition Month — Healthy Food Shopping for Senior Adults

Serving size. Calories. Total fat. Percent daily value. Understanding food nutrition labels can be challenging, and many consumers just figure why bother? But for older adults, simply ignoring nutritional information can significantly compromise their health. To help make better food choices and create a healthy eating style, seniors and their family caregivers can turn to National Nutrition Month®. Organized by …

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Open Enrollment for 2017 has ended. Need Health Insurance, know your options!

By Ulla-Undine Merritt (Dee) National Producer Number (NPN) 8853366 There are Special Election Periods for eligible individuals to purchase creditable health insurance coverage.  Most life change events have a maximum of 60 days to make that change. The majority of the time you’re earliest effective date is the 1st of the month following your application. Medicare and Under 65 Medical Plans …

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Nutrition Really is a Serious Matter

Sue Ellen Mathers Licensed Professional Realtor® since 2005 MBA, CNE, SRES, ABR It’s hard to believe it is March already! Hopefully you’ve been here for at least several weeks and you enjoyed the wonderful “winter” weather we’ve had this year. It’s a great opportunity to be outside and active, making it perhaps easier to keep some of those New Year’s resolutions! …

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Want To Increase Nutrient Absorption? Try Working With A BEMER! Nutrition and BEMER

By Kathleen Donohue BEMER (Bio-Electric-Magnetic Energy Regulation) is a Class 1 Medical Device per our own FDA and is used in 47 other countries where it actually has a higher rating.  With 5 global patents, German engineering and Swiss manufacturing, this device is simply amazing when it comes to the benefits of overall health. For upwards of twenty years and …

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SUPPORT YOUR BODY . . . DO LESS HARM . . . We live in a world filled with toxins.

By Evie Breedlove-Mangapora, ARNP & Deborah J. Post, ARNP What are Toxins? A toxin is something that interferes with normal working of the human body in a negative way.  Some toxins, are waste products from the normal activity of cells.  (Ie uric acid that accumulates or lingers causes gout).  Another type are Xenobiotics that are human-made toxins that we knowingly …

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Inner Strength RN Health Advocates: Nurses Offering a Personalized Patient-Centered Approach

By Mary Baron, RN, MS, iRNPA and Charlene Baron, RN, BSN, iRNPA The Need for Patient Advocacy Have you or a loved one ever felt like you did not know what questions to ask when you go to your doctor? Or felt overwhelmed navigating numerous appointments with specialists? Are you feeling lost because you feel like you have tried everything …

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An Alternative Approach to the Treatment of Diarrhea and Loose Stools

By Toni Eatros, MS, Dipl Ac, AP Today, I have decided to address a topic that is not that fun to talk about, but that I find a large percentage of my patients experience, chronic diarrhea and/or loose stools.  This is a condition that needs to be talked about and corrected, as it leads to severe nutrient deficiencies and chronic illnesses …

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