Collier Edition

BEMER Therapy for Better Circulation and Health in Men – Bio-Electric Magnetic Energy Regulation

By Kathleen Donohue Did you know that impaired blood circulation of the male reproductive organs is the main cause of low testosterone levels, prostate conditions & erectile dysfunction? It is a common & unavoidable lifestyle habit for middleaged men to be sitting most of their day at a desk, in a car, or on a plane. Posture & pressure to …

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Say Goodbye to Your SINUS PAIN

Limited Time – Complimentary K-Laser Sinusitis Therapy Evaluation! What is Sinusitis Sinusitis is a common condition affecting up to 30 million people a year in the U.S. according to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.  This condition involves the inflammation and swelling of small air pockets around nasal passages  located above the eyebrows, behind the nose and eyes, …

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Healing Chronic Illness with Congee Supporting Our Blood Through Food

By Toni Eatros, MS, Dipl Ac, AP Every day in my clinic, I see people with a wide variety of chronic illness.  Regardless, of the type of illness, all of these people have one thing in common, they are deficient in Qi and sometimes blood.  What does deficient mean?  Deficient means that there is not enough raw material to make the …

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Should You Whiten Your Teeth?

Whitening  (bleaching) teeth has become a relatively standard procedure for our country.  It’s not just for the rich and famous anymore.  Most people do feel more confident when they have a clean, bright smile to flash around.  So, how does it work?  Professional whitening systems use carbamide peroxide gels.  These gels open the pores of the teeth and lighten any external …

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June Cataract Awareness Month Cataracts: third leading cause of blindness in the United States

By Jonathan M. Frantz, MD, FACS Studies suggest that everyone who lives long enough will get cataracts, although there may be some reduced risk for individuals who eat properly, avoid sun exposure and do not smoke. A cataract is not a disease but an aging process similar to graying hair. As the eye ages, the normal lens inside the eye …

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Grass-fed Beef Bone Broth (Vital Essence Elixir)

Makes: 5-6 quarts Ingredients: about 4 pounds grass-fed beef marrow bones and knuckle bones 1 calves foot, cut into pieces (optional) 3 pounds meaty rib or neck bones 1 or more gallons cold filtered water 1/2 cup organic apple cider vinegar 3 organic onions roughly chopped 3 organic carrots roughly chopped 3 organic celery stalks roughly chopped 3/4 to 1 …

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Compression Devices: Effective Treatment for Limb Swelling

By Alyssa Parker Many individuals attempt to manage their limb swelling through various treatments such as compression stockings, exercise, diuretics, and elevation with little or no results. Limb swelling, also known as edema, may be a symptom of an underlying medical condition. Some of the most common conditions where limb swelling is the first symptom include venous insufficiency, post operative …

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The CBD Oil Difference

There is a multitude of information online and on television news shows and documentaries touting the benefits of CBD oil (cannabidiol).  So, how can you be sure of it health benefits?  Let’s first detail the product a little further to put ease to any questions and concerns. CBD oil is known to show beneficial results for seizures, neurodegenerative disorders, cancer, …

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5 Reasons To Use In-Home Care

The physical and mental decline that comes with the aging process affects everyone in a different way. Some seniors find it particularly difficult to cope with the limitations of age. As a result, they may turn to denial and refuse assistance from loved ones. Services that provide in-home care staff offer a gentle alternative to senior homes. Even the most …

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Rotator Cuff Tears and Repairs

Dr. Brian Wallace – Board-Certified Orthopaedic Surgeon As we age, our bodies are subjected to more repercussions from normal wear and tear.  This is particularly the case of individual’s age 60 and older, but the same wear and tear is accurate for younger people that are very active or have suffered accidental injury through sports or trauma-related causes. One of the …

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