Collier Edition

Achilles Tendonitis – How to Prevent further Injury

Dr. Jamie E. Weaver – Board-Certified Foot and Ankle Surgeon There are two main calf muscles, the gastrocnemius, and the soleus; both of these large muscles are connected to the Achilles tendon.  The Achilles is the largest tendon in the body and is made up of fibrous tissue that resembles a rope like substance.  Along with the calf muscles, the Achilles …

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Why Do I Need a Primary Care Physician?

Many people believe they only need a doctor when they are sick.  However, having a primary care physician may be your key to staying healthy.  An important responsibility of a primary care physician is providing preventative care.  “A primary care physician is like a wellness coach,” said Holly Dagney, D.O., a board certified family medicine physician with Physicians Regional Medical Group.  …

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Rest IS Best Importance of sleep on health and well-being.

By Ashley Carlson, DPT, ATC, MTC, OP Coordinator  Life Care Center of Estero That sounds good doesn’t it? Let’s all rest more.  I mean, you have always been told that getting enough sleep is important… but why? Getting enough sleep can help protect your mental health, physical health, quality of life and overall safety. Physical Health: Sleep is necessary to …

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Summer Safety

Longer days, warmer sunshine, and a few safety precautions During the next few months, families will be more active than normal with school being out and summer vacations planned.  We will be enjoying excursions, playing on the beach, visiting parks and barbecuing a lot more often.  With all of this extra activity comes the unfortunate increased chance of injury.  Summer safety …

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Cutting Edge Technology and Science Meet to Make You Look Years Younger!

Swan Centers is comprised of two distinct and different companies; The first is Swan Age Reversal Centers, which offers Non-Surgical Treatments and the second is Swan Plastic Surgery Centers, which offers Cosmetic Surgery Procedures.  With these two options, it allows you the opportunity to have a wide array of choices for all of your Aesthetic and Cosmetic needs, all under one …

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Seasonal Affective Disorder There is Hope.

Now that summer is upon us, we have become aware of the need for proper hydration, sunscreen and sun block as well as water safety. Not to be left out, depression has a place in the summer as part of a unique syndrome known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). This illness is a type of depression that is related to changes …

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Depression Defined

Depression is one of those diagnoses that is complicated and many times improperly defined, to say the least.  There are many different types of depression that often get inadequately intertwined with each other. The reason for so much confusion and negative connotation lies in one main fact…misunder- standing. Because depression affects every human being at one time or another, understanding the …

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Heat Awareness Month Syncope

Living in Florida, we are typically accustomed to warmer days than most of the country, but during the spring and summer months, our typical 80-degree weather can skyrocket to high 90’s and even triple digits, which can leave us feeling overheated very quickly. It’s important to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day, as well as avoiding …

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Relieving Pinched and Compressed Nerves

Joint instability and ligament injury are almost always the missing diagnoses in chronically painful musculoskeletal conditions, even with nerve pain. As in other sensations, pain is carried by nerves to the central nervous system, ultimately to be interpreted and experienced by the brain. Nerves alert the brain to the presence of an injury or problem because they are being inflamed, …

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Eat Your Way to Better Health

By Greg Pascucci June is National Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Month, designed to bring attention to the wonderful health benefits of daily produce consumption. And, with Florida’s tropical weather, fruits and vegetables are available practically year-round making it even more convenient to indulge in the freshest produce. The American Heart Association recommends adults consume eight or more servings of fruits and …

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