Collier Edition

Charcot Foot Deformity Why Diabetics Should Be Concerned

Michael J. Petrocelli, D.P.M., F.A.C.F.A.S., C.W.S.P. Board Certified Ankle and Foot Surgeon and Board Certified Wound Care Specialist Over 6 million people in the United States have Type II Diabetes.  Along with this diagnosis, come many secondary disorders and complications.  One of the main side effects of the disease is nerve damage due to high blood sugar.  The most common area …

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The Life Care Center of Estero-Making You Feel at Home

By Ashley Carlson, DPT, ATC, MTC, OP Coordinator  Life Care Center of Estero Not all assisted living facilities are the same, and that’s certainly true of Life Care Center.  Making the decision to leave your home and live in a facility can be a challenging process.  Word of mouth is usually a good determiner of quality care within a respectful environment, …

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Create a Safe Home for Dementia Patients

People with Alzheimer’s can live in their homes, as long as safety measures are in place. As Alzheimer’s progresses, a person’s abilities change. But with some creativity and problem solving, you can adapt the home environment to support these changes. How dementia affects safety? With creativity and flexibility, you can create a home that is both safe and supportive of the …

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By Hoglund Family Hearing and Audiology Services “How well you hear can influence many aspects of your health and wellness”, states John Hoglund BC-HIS, ACA of Audiology Centers of Hoglund Family Hearing.” There is an increasing body of evidence that people with untreated hearing loss, may also experience a reduction in the quality of life, and put them at a …

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A New Solution to an Old Problem

By Joseph Gauta, MD, FACOG Many people suffer from an Overactive Bladder (OAB) and are desperate to find a solution. No one should have to experience the annoying and embarrassing problem of a constant need to use the toilet. While an Overactive Bladder can occur in both men and women, it generally affects women more often. The symptoms include urinary …

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Stay Young Physically & Mentally with Exercise

By Greg Pascucci Sure, exercise keeps you looking good physically, but did you know physical fitness can keep your brain looking young? A new study published in the journal, “Neurology”, measured the cognitive abilities of nearly 1,000 seniors—average age 71—and found that the brains of those who exercised moderately looked 10 years younger than those who did not exercise regularly. …

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Alleviating Knee Pain for Good

Dr. H. Kurtis Biggs – Board-Certified Orthopaedic Surgeon Before jumping into anything more complex, a conservative approach to injuries and disorders are typically the standard moderate method to ease pain from disease or trauma; but with the knee, the intricate blood supply to the tissues can make it challenging for the body to heal itself naturally.  That’s why surgical procedures are …

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Know the ABCs of Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is by far the most common type of cancer in the United States, and while some types of skin cancer can be easily treated, other types can be more dangerous. There are three main types of skin cancer — basal cell, squamous cell and melanoma. The type of skin cancer one has affects treatment options and prognosis (outlook). …

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Are You Getting a Good Night’s Sleep?

By Sadiq Al-Nakeeb, M.D., F.C.C.P. Board Certified – Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine Did you sleep at least 7 hours last night?  Do you normally sleep 7 or more hours each night? Most of us may occasionally reduce the hours we sleep for a variety of reasons.  Whether it is work-related, family demands, a special occasion, or even to watch …

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Depression Defined

Depression is one of those diagnoses that is complicated and many times improperly defined, to say the least.  There are many different types of depression that often get inadequately intertwined with each other. The reason for so much confusion and negative connotation lies in one main fact…misunder- standing. Because depression affects every human being at one time or another, understanding the …

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