Collier Edition

Labral Tears and Rotator Cuff Injuries – Regenerative Treatments for Common Shoulder Pain Conditions

By Debra K. Brinker, RN The shoulder is a unique joint providing an incredible range of motion for daily living and sports. The downside to all that motion is shoulder instability, if this ball and socket joint becomes injured, it can lead to shoulder instability. As the shoulder becomes unstable, it can start making a clunking or clicking noise. It is …

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Grandparent Visitation Rights

By Dale Klaus and Reube Doupé – Klaus Doupé, PA Given the population make-up of the State of Florida, it is natural to assume that state law would provide for grandparent’s right to see or be involved with their grandchildren.  However, grandparent visitation rights are very limited, not only in Florida but throughout the United States.  In most families, grandparents play …

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By Michelle Haessler, M.D. One in six men will develop prostate cancer in their lifetime. Whereas, many men will have a type of nonaggressive prostate cancer that is referred to as “low grade” and never need treatment, many will develop a more aggressive form of prostate cancer, which will require treatment. This treatment could consist of hormonal treatment, surgery, radiation …

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Accreditation Matters When Choosing a Senior Living Community

By Greg Pascucci Would you go to a hospital that isn’t accredited or send your children to colleges that aren’t accredited? Why not take that same approach when considering senior living? Moving into a community that is accredited affords greater peace of mind that care and services have undergone intense scrutiny by an outside, third-party. It’s a fact; accreditation matters. Designed …

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Healthy Aging Awareness Month – How your teeth can make a difference in your wellbeing

During the month of September, there is a huge emphasis on healthy aging.  Along with a nutritious diet, exercise program, preventative care and social stimulation, dental care is very often overlooked as a valuable aspect of keeping us healthy. Of course, dental hygiene and keeping regular oral checkups up to date are critical for dental health, but what about the …

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Fall is The Season of the Lung and Large Intestine Meridians

By Toni Eatros, MS, Dipl Ac, AP Fall, or autumn, is a favorite season for many people.  The weather is getting a little cooler, things are starting to slow down and preparations for the holidays are in full swing….. For many others, fall is not so festive.  Many people tend to get sick during the fall months, allergies can flare up …

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Healthy Aging In Your Own Home

The issues of aging often include health related disorders that make it difficult for individuals to take care of themselves from time to time.  Private duty care providers that come to you are the wave of the future.  Private duty nursing and support can help you and your loved ones age healthfully in the convenience of your own residence. Examples of …

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When Should Elderly Drivers Hang Up the Car Keys?

As a group, seniors age 80 and older have the highest rate of fatal crashes per mile driven, even higher than for teens, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. Simply put, too many people continue driving when it’s no longer safe for them to do so. Many seniors may notice changes in their own driving ability and as …

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Early Cancer Detection Saves Lives

The development of improved screening tests for various types of cancer means that physicians can now identify and diagnose cancer at an earlier stage, many times, before any symptoms are present. Early detection is important because when abnormal tissues or cancers are found early, they are easier to treat. Some screening methods are quite simple, such as skin cancer checks …

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The Life-Threatening Complications of Diabetic Foot Wounds

Michael J. Petrocelli, D.P.M., F.A.C.F.A.S., C.W.S.P. Board Certified Ankle and Foot Surgeon and Board Certified Wound Care Specialist Millions of folks that have diabetes will suffer from diabetic foot ulcers more than once in their lifetimes.  Diabetes is a progressive disease that is often not taken seriously enough; this is due in part to its increasingly growing diagnosis and commonality.  This …

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